Most Popular Plastic Surgeries by State - Discover the Results!

Posted July 05, 2018
Popular Plastic Surgeries by Region

Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder but that doesn’t mean that everybody has the same idea when it comes to beauty.

A recent study by the American Society of Plastic Surgery shows the most popular plastic surgery procedures in different areas of the country. The results vary by the area of the country where the procedure is performed.

The Results are in

While the study did not list the most popular procedure by state for 2017, it did give a good overview of the most popular choices by regions/areas of the country.

For example:

  • In the Southeast, buttock implants are the most popular plastic surgery choice
  • The Northeast reported that male breast reduction is the big thing
  • Lip reduction is the main procedure of choice in the Midwest
  • The South reported that hair transplants are the most popular procedure among patients
  • The Western portion of the United States has breast augmentation at the top of the list

There are certainly some contrasts between regions. While the West prefers breast augmentation, the South showed a good number of patients undergoing breast implant removal.

What Accounts for the Differences

When it comes to differences between the areas of the country, many doctors say factors such as culture, weather and technology all play a big part in the plastic surgery decision making process.

For example, take the decision about whether or not to undergo breast augmentation. Residents of Florida and California wear more revealing clothing because of their climates. In turn, they have more pressure to look good when exposed in a skimpy outfit. 

On the other hand, states such as Nebraska or Ohio have colder weather during a good part of the year. They are not as body conscious as people who live by the beach throughout the year. They want to look good while still maintaining a natural look.

Male Breast Reduction

One plastic surgery procedure that may come as a surprise to some people is the popularity of male breast reduction in the Northeast. However, this does not come as a surprise to surgeons as they see many male patients considering the surgery because of the corporate world. Many men undergo male breast reduction because they want to feel more confident in the workplace. Plus, they want to look their best in order to remain “young looking” in the eyes of others as well as wanting to remain relevant in the corporate culture of America.

Hair Transplants

One interesting statistic was the fact that hair transplants ranked so high in the South while it didn’t even make the Top 5 in any of the other regions of the country.

Where the Most Procedures were performed

Overall, the South, West and Northeast had the largest number of procedures performed as compared to the Southeast and the Midwest.

Top 5 Lists

Let’s take a look at the Top 5 choices broken down by each region of the country:

The West

  1. Breast Augmentation
  2. Chin Augmentation
  3. Forehead Lift
  4. Eyelid Surgery
  5. Full Facelift

The Midwest

  1. Lip Reduction
  2. Buttock Lift
  3. Dermabrasion
  4. Breast Reduction
  5. Buttock Augmentation

The South

  1. Hair transplant
  2. Cheek Implants
  3. Buttock Implants
  4. Breast Lift
  5. Breast Implant Removal

The Southeast

  1. Butt Implants
  2. Calf Augmentation
  3. Pectoral Implants
  4. Liposuction
  5. Facelift

The Northeast

  1. Male Breast Reduction
  2. Lower Body Lift
  3. Nose Reshaping/Rhinoplasty
  4. Upper Arm Lift
  5. Calf Augmentation

The Preferences of the Patient

At the end of the day, the plastic surgery procedure chosen by a patient comes down to the individual wants and needs of the person. However, this study does provide a good amount of insight into the “ideal beauty” standard according to each region of the country.

Anyone interested in undergoing plastic surgery should schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor. The doctor can examine the patient as well listen to the reasons why the person wants to undergo the procedure. Once the consultation is complete, the doctor can determine the best technique to achieve the desired results. Plus, the surgeon can set realistic expectations with the patient so the person will not be surprised by, or disappointed in, the final results of the surgery.



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