
Dermabrasion is an exfoliating procedure usually performed on the face. It removes the outer layers of skin to treat age spots, sun damage, fine lines, acne scars and uneven skin tone to provide a more youthful appearance. The doctor numbs the skin and then pulls the skin tight. A device with a motorized handle is moved across the skin. The outermost layers of skin are scraped away by the burr containing diamond particles or rough wire brush attached to the handle. The scraping continues until the newer skin is visible. Once the procedure is finished, the treated area is covered with a moist dressing to protect the area. 

Ideal candidates for dermabrasion include those looking to treat a variety of skin conditions such as rough skin, age spots, fine lines, scars, mild wrinkles and skin that is dull or dry. The treatment can be tailored to meet the needs and goals of the individual patient. Patients who have conditions such as a history of cold sores and diabetes are not good candidates for the treatment. While patients with eczema, dermatitis and profound acne lesions may not be suitable for the treatment, patients with blackheads and whitehead scars may benefit from dermabrasion.

The amount of work performed during dermabrasion is individualized according to the needs of each patient. In general, the cost can range from $1500-$3000 depending on any additional fees charged by the doctor or the facility, the amount of work performed and the area of the country where the treatment is performed.

The results of dermabrasion can be seen almost immediately in the improvement of the skin's color, skin tone and appearance. In general, the face will have a fresher appearance as well as a smooth, soft texture since the dead and dry skin layers will be removed to give the skin a revitalized look. The results last approximately one to three months. Patients will need to have follow-up treatments in order to maintain the results.

Chemical Peels Vs. Microdermabrasion

Chemical Peels Vs. Microdermabrasion

submitted on   Mon Aug, 17, 2015 by Stafford Broumand, MD     
Having beautiful, healthy skin is a goal shared by many people.  Glowing skin not only makes a person look better, but it also shows the world how healthy a person feels.  Sometimes diet and exercises are not enough, and it takes medical treatments to help a person achieve their skin goals.  Two...