Plastic Surgery Addiction - Warning Signs

Posted January 02, 2024
Learn about plastic surgery addiction

The end of a previous year and the start of a new year can lead to resolutions and promises to make substantial changes in the coming months. Some of these changes can include plastic surgery, such as having it for the first time or continuing the changes made in the prior year. No matter the amount of plastic surgery a person has undergone in the past, there is always a concern regarding future procedures and one main concern is becoming addicted to plastic surgery.

Thanks to the rise of social media, more people than ever before are obsessed with obtaining a perfect look. They might want to have a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) or rhinoplasty to match the look of those they view on social media. Plastic surgery has continued to grow in popularity and is often the subject of many videos and photos on multiple social media platforms as the idea of having plastic surgery also includes an unspoken promise of increased self-confidence and an enhanced appearance. Since plastic surgery is readily available to provide subtle changes to the look of a person or a radical alteration, there is a danger of becoming addicted to the opportunity to eliminate perceived flaws in the aesthetic appearance of a person. The exposure of plastic surgery on social media also puts pressure on the public to achieve the ongoing changes in beauty standards and this can lead to an obsession with plastic surgery that includes multiple procedures and patients never being satisfied with their ever-changing look.

Plastic Surgery Addiction – Why Does it Happen?

Plastic Surgery AddictionThe development of an addiction to plastic surgery has often been linked to psychological conditions such as body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). If a person is experiencing BDD, they will likely have an unrealistic or distorted perception of how they look. In addition, they will find themselves obsessing over what they perceive to be a (sometimes minor) imperfection on their body that is not visible to the average eye. Because of their distorted self-image, plastic surgery addiction can cause them to continually have cosmetic procedures in an attempt to lessen any anxiety they feel regarding the flaws they perceive in their appearance. Unfortunately, any happiness they gain from having a procedure is short-lived and they once again start to look for ways to improve their look.

Plastic Surgery Addiction – How it Impacts the Life of a Patient

In addition to the changes made to the body of the patient, plastic surgery addiction can also impact other areas of their life. The decision to have multiple cosmetic procedures can put a strain on the finances of a person while also damaging their personal and professional relationships, and even cause them to neglect their responsibilities in favor of trying to have additional plastic surgery.

It is also important to keep in mind that multiple surgeries can pose a threat to the health of a person due to possible surgical complications and the chance of developing an infection.

Plastic Surgery Addiction – Warning Signs Revealed

One of the first signs of being addicted to plastic surgery is being obsessed with researching procedures, viewing post-surgery photos online, and even scheduling a consultation appointment with a doctor without a specific surgery or alteration in mind. This type of obsession can be a warning sign that a person is trying to use plastic surgery to address both their appearance and issues with their self-image or self-esteem. While plastic surgery can make alterations to the look of a person, it is not a solution for image issues with the body.

There are some patients who are looking to gain the approval of others in order to validate their decisions. Instead of trying to gain outside approval, a patient should work on building their self-image and finding satisfaction in their current appearance.

Another example of being addicted to plastic surgery is not paying any attention to the possible complications of a procedure and this includes ignoring health risks. If a person is more worried about the aesthetic outcome of plastic surgery instead of maintaining their overall health, this could be a sign of plastic surgery addiction.

A person who shows any of the above warning signs might be a candidate for professional help when it comes to their feelings about plastic surgery. Therapy sessions can help a person identify and address any self-esteem issues and develop mechanisms for coping with these issues beyond having plastic surgery for body image issues. It is important to note that plastic surgery is not a solution for emotional problems and issues with self-esteem. Coping mechanisms help a person deal with any anxiety and stress that is related to their appearance. In addition to speaking with a therapist, a person with plastic surgery addiction can talk to family members and friends they trust or join a body image support group.

By looking for the warning signs listed in this article, a person can work to avoid the dangers of plastic surgery addiction while also developing a positive and healthy body image.

- MA


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