Halle Berry is known for many things in Hollywood. She is the first African American actress to win an Oscar for Best Actress. She is known for her ugly divorces and breakups from a number of men. She is also known for being one of the most beautiful women in the entertainment industry. Berry has been outspoken against plastic surgery for many years. While she has stated publicly that she wants to age gracefully in Hollywood and avoid having any plastic surgery procedures, she has always been surrounded by speculation that she has undergone a plastic surgery procedure or two. Despite the fact that Berry has been against plastic surgery, there are a couple of areas on her body that are the most talked about in terms of possible plastic surgery procedures.
The first area that is often talked about is her breasts. The stories of Halle having breast implants started in the 90s as her career began to explode. Many plastic surgery experts have noted that her once smaller breasts were successfully brought up to a C-cup that looks very natural on her. Other experts have speculated that she had silicone implants placed during a transaxillary boob job. Why do they think this was the procedure done on Berry? Apparently her incision scar is visible in the fold of her armpit when she raises her arm.
Also, as Berry continues to age, her breasts remain full and don’t sag much at all. This is not natural as women age which adds more fuel to the fire about her undergoing a breast lift in addition to the stories about her breast implant procedure.
The other change that has been noticed is some modifications to her nose. Photos of Berry from early in her career show her with a nose that is flat as well as a broad and prominent bridge. In fact, her nose was described by some celebrity experts as being typical of an African American woman. As the years have passed, the bridge on her nose has narrowed and the tip has become much more pointed. Overall, her nose appears to be much smaller than in the past leading to discussions that it looks Caucasian instead of African American.
When questioned about any procedures on her body, Halle Berry is very vocal in saying there has been no work performed on her. Berry says that her continued good looks come from good genes as well as healthy living and regular exercise. She also remains insistent that she has resisted the urge to undergo any type of plastic surgery procedure.
Earlier this year, Berry confessed to Yahoo! Beauty that there is a lot of pressure in Hollywood to go under the knife for a plastic surgery procedure. The pressure often makes her wonder if she will have to do the same as some of her peers to stay relevant in the entertainment industry.
Berry went on to say that she has been told by various Hollywood insiders to have some work done on her appearance. While the thought has crossed her mind due to constant suggestions and discussions about the subject, she has resisted the urge to give in to the temptation. She even went on to describe the pressure to have surgery as being like people trying to push the drug “crack” on her as well as others in Hollywood. She says the pressure is much like peer pressure to take drugs. Berry often has to remind herself that aging is natural and that it is best for a person to not try and look like they did in the past. She is always afraid that doing too many surgical procedures makes people look like somebody other than themselves.
The answer of “did she or didn’t she” might never be known when it comes to plastic surgery and Halle Berry. There is no denying that she is still one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Some celebrity watchers say she has remained beautiful thanks to plastic surgery while others (including Berry) say her good looks are due to a combination of good genes and diet and exercise. Maybe it is best not to know whether or not Berry has actually had plastic surgery and just let the answer be another unsolved Hollywood mystery.
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