Cosmetic Surgery - What to Know About Having a Procedure

Posted December 11, 2023
Explaining the things to know before having cosmetic surgery

The cosmetic surgery industry continues to grow with billions of dollars being spent each year by both make and female patients who are looking to make enhancements or substantial changes to their appearance. Besides the personal reasons for patients wanting to have, for example, breast augmentation for larger breasts or Brazilian butt lift (BBL) to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks, cosmetic surgery can also be performed for functional reasons. A common example is rhinoplasty that can improve the ability of a person to breathe while also altering the appearance of the nose. Patients who are interested in undergoing cosmetic surgery have a few things they should know before they schedule their treatment.

Cosmetic Surgery – What is it?

Things to know for cosmetic surgeryOverall, there are two types of surgeries that can be performed to enhance the appearance of the body. These two types of surgeries can be classified as plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery.

Plastic surgery is more invasive and covers a range of procedures such as breast augmentation, facelift, butt lift, tummy tuck, liposuction, and rhinoplasty. It should be noted that these are considered to be cosmetic procedures, but they are classified as plastic surgery because they are more invasive in nature and require a greater amount of healing and recovery time. On the other hand, cosmetic surgery includes treatments such as chemical peels, fillers, microneedling, Botox, and dermabrasion.

Cosmetic Surgery – Things to Know Before the Procedure

The first thing to know before deciding to have cosmetic surgery is the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic Surgery Benefits

  • Cosmetic surgery is able to increase the amount of self-confidence felt by a patient and also give them an improved self-image. The reduction or elimination of imperfections on the body can make a significant difference in the way a person feels about their appearance.
  • A cosmetic procedure can give a person a look that is younger and more refreshed by reducing fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Botox and fillers are two popular methods of rejuvenating the face. While the final results of fillers and Botox are not permanent, they can last anywhere from months to years depending on the substance used (in fillers) and the amount of Botox or filler injected into the treated area. A more youthful look can also help a person in their career as a younger look is often viewed in a favorable manner by employers.
  • Cosmetic surgery is not limited to simply making aesthetic changes to the look of a person. It can also address issues related to physical discomfort such as making it easier for a person to breathe on a daily basis (rhinoplasty) or reducing pain in the back due to overly large or heavy breasts (breast reduction).

Cosmetic Surgery Drawbacks

  • Any surgical procedure involves some level of risk, and this can be anything from an infection to a blood clot to complications from having anesthesia administered at the start of the treatment. Since not every part of the procedure will go exactly according to plan, it is best to be prepared and aware of the possible risks that can happen to a person.
  • While the price of a procedure might not seem like a drawback, many cosmetic procedures are not considered to be medically necessary which means they are likely not covered by insurance. The more complicated or extensive a procedure, the higher the price will likely be, and the cost will have to be completely covered by the patient.
  • One drawback can be on the part of the patient and that is having unrealistic expectations about the final results. The patient needs to have a clear discussion with the doctor so there is not any confusion when it comes to the type of results that can be achieved and how long the results will last.
  • The recovery process might involve some prolonged discomfort due to side effects that include bruising, swelling, and pain. The amount of time these side effects last depends on the type of procedure that is performed and the individual healing ability of the patient.

Cosmetic Surgery – How to Get Started

The decision to have cosmetic surgery is a personal one and this means that the patient needs to make sure they definitely want to make the changes to their appearance. While a good amount of information can be found online about almost any type of cosmetic procedure, the ability to have a consultation with a board-certified surgeon is an unbelievably valuable resource. The doctor can speak from professional experience about how a procedure is performed and also share “before and after” photos of actual patients they have treated in the past.

An intimate conversation with the doctor might also bring to mind questions and concerns that the patient did not consider when they first thought about having cosmetic surgery. This new information might make them want to have the treatment more than ever or it might change their mind to the point that the patient decides to wait a little while before having a specific cosmetic surgery procedure.

- MA


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