Finding the best cosmetic surgeon to handle your rhinoplasty procedure, AKA a nose job, can be difficult at times. If you are unhappy with the size, appearance or shape of your nose, Cosmetic Town can help you find the right doctor to give you the nose of your dreams. The following is our 2018 list of the “Best Rhinoplasty Doctors in Beverly Hills” as determined by the Cosmetic Town intelligent system:
Rhinoplasty Explained
Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job or cosmetic nose surgery, is performed on the nose of a patient. Rhinoplasty can be desired for multiple reasons including:
Rhinoplasty can give patients the nose they have always desired in terms of its shape and size as well as its overall appearance. Depending on the type of rhinoplasty performed, the functionality of the nose can be improved as well.
While rhinoplasty is performed all over the United States, patients often travel to Beverly Hills to undergo the surgery. They choose Beverly Hills, as well as the surrounding cities of Bel-Air and Los Angeles, because of the large number of board-certified doctors experienced in performing the surgery. Plus, many patients see Hollywood celebrities with a new look to their nose and want to visit the same doctor as their favorite celebrities.
Preparing for Rhinoplasty
The first stage of preparation is determining if a patient is an ideal candidate or not. This is done via various processes which include examining the patient's medical history and checking if the patient is suffering from any medical condition that could impair the healing process. A physical exam which involves looking closely at the skin on the inside and outside of the nose to determine what kind of changes can be made is also carried out. In most cases, a physical exam also involves taking detailed photos of the nose from various angles. These shots will be used to assess the long-term results of surgery and may be referred to during the surgery.
To make sure that the procedure is successful, patients are advised to abstain from painkillers containing ibuprofen or aspirin two weeks before and after the surgery. These medications slow down the blood-clotting process and can result in excessive bleeding.
Smokers often encounter difficulty in healing after rhinoplasty as cigarettes slow down the recovery process. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels which results in less oxygen and blood to help heal the tissues. Hence, patients who smoke are advised to stop before the procedure is performed.
How Rhinoplasty is Performed
The procedure begins with the surgeon making cuts between, or inside, the nostrils. Then, the skin is separated from the cartilage or bone so the reshaping process can begin. If the new nose needs a small amount of additional cartilage, the doctor may remove some from the patient's ear or deep inside the nose or via an implant or a bone graft. A bone graft is an additional bone that is added to the bone in the nose.
The procedure usually takes between one and two hours. However, more complex cases can take longer.
Rhinoplasty Recovery
After surgery, a plastic or metal splint may be placed on the nose. This helps the nose retain its new shape while it heals. Nasal packs or splints may also be inserted in the nostrils to stabilize the septum. To reduce bleeding and swelling, patients are advised to rest with their head elevated above the chest. If the nose is swollen or packed with cotton, it might feel congested. In most cases, the splint and dressings are left in place for up to a week after the surgery.
In some cases, drainage and bleeding might be experienced. A drip pad, which is a piece of gauze taped below the nose, can be used to absorb blood and mucus.
Shortly after the procedure, it's best to avoid the following activities:
The final results of rhinoplasty should be permanent as long as the patient does not suffer any additional trauma or injury to the nose.