Reconstruction Nipple Surgery

Breast reconstruction with nipple surgery is usually the final phase of breast reconstruction. It is done to make the reconstructed breast look more like the original breast. Typically, a small incision is made at the site where the nipple will be made. The skin is formed into a nipple shape and stitches are used to secure the form. Some surgeons insert a core of dermal matrix product into the reconstructed nipple so it doesn't flatten out too much. Once the nipple is sewn into place, a nipple shield (a protective covering shaped like a tiny hat with a wide flat brim) is filled with antibacterial ointment and taped over the reconstructed nipple to protect it.

Most breast cancer survivors who have had a complete or partial mastectomy (removal of all or some of the breast tissue and nipple) are candidates for this procedure. Ideal candidates should be cancer-free and have done well with a previous treatment and diagnosis. They shouldn't have additional medical conditions or other illnesses that may impair healing. Patients need to have a positive outlook and realistic goals.

The typical cost for breast re-construction with nipple surgery ranges from $600 - $5725 with an average cost of $2,250. This range doesn't involve anesthesia or operating room fees. The final cost varies depending on the hospital or surgical facilities, any necessary medical tests, the surgeon’s level of expertise, the geographic location of the procedure and if any other procedures are performed at the same time. Most insurance companies are required, under federal law, to cover breast reconstruction surgery and prosthetics.

This procedure is usually done about 3 to 4 months after surgery when the new breast has had time to heal. If local anesthesia was given, the patient will be able to go home after the nipple shield is in place. If general anesthesia was used, the patient will be moved to a recovery room after surgery. The nipple shield is usually left on for about 3 days. The reconstructed nipple will look pointed and somewhat larger than the other nipple. After the stitches are removed, the nipple will begin to flatten out and look more like the other nipple. The reconstructed nipple can be tender for a week or so. The results of the surgery are considered to be permanent.

Capsulectomy for Capsular Contracture

Capsulectomy for Capsular Contracture

submitted on   Wed Jun, 17, 2015 by Robert Troell, MD     
Capsulectomy, for capsular contracture after breast augmentation, can be performed in several ways. Capsular contracture is a common complication after breast augmentation that causes symptoms such as discomfort, pain and hard or distorted breasts. When a foreign object such as an implant is...