A new cosmetic surgery trend that has gained popularity in the last few years that involves tattooing freckles on the face.
Tattoo artists follow the natural freckle line on the face of a customer to achieve the desired look. Any swelling or darkness from the treatment goes away after a few months as the freckles blend in with the natural skin tone.
One of the reasons the treatment has become so popular is the fact that people were getting tired of having to draw them on with makeup. One tattoo artist, Gabrielle Rainbow, says she “experimented on myself – I really don’t recommend tattooing your own face – But once I saw that it worked out,” she decided to perform the treatment on customers. According to Rainbow, the results can last for up to three years.
Some beauty experts say the trend seems to show that women are trying to take a break from living up to the pressure of having a perfect complexion achieved through makeup and dermal fillers.
Dr. Ava Shamban, a dermatologist in Beverly Hills, says the trend is likely only beneficial for younger patients. She also said freckles can look adorable on younger people but “over the age of 30, they are distracting to the eye and reduce attention to beautiful features in the face such as the eyes.”
(This story originally appeared on foxnews.com)