The “Real Housewives” franchise has grown in popularity and spawned many different versions of the series over the years. The show has also turned the housewives on the program into celebrities that endorse products and make public appearances across the country.
The program has also inspired many of its stars to change their appearance over the years and undergo various forms of plastic surgery. From breast augmentation to facelifts to fillers and laser treatments, the housewives have made many changes in their appearance over the years. Let’s take a closer look at some of the changes in the appearance of these reality TV stars.
The Changing Appearance of the Housewives
- Porsha Williams – Williams admitted to having a non-surgical nose job to change the look of her nose. She had hyaluronic acid fillers injected into the area to enhance the look of a small bridge on her nose. This photo from E! Online shows you the difference in her appearance.
- Lisa Rinna – When the public thinks of Lisa Rinna, they most likely think of her expanding lips. When she was 24 years old, she had silicone injected into her lips. She did visit a doctor to have as much of the silicone removed as possible because it had gotten to the point that her lips “were yucky”. The Los Angeles Times shows us the changes in her lips with this “before and after” photo.
- Vicki Gunvalson – This is one housewife that does have some regrets about the amount of plastic surgery she had in the past. She told Entertainment Tonight that the lower facelift she had was the event that caused her to say “no” to further plastic surgery. She told the entertainment news program, “Some people were saying my promo pictures didn’t look like me. It didn’t. I was puffy, and I was - I didn’t feel like I was myself. They do the cheekbones, and we gotta inject here, gotta bring the jawline down. Just, stop! I want everything out of my skin. I want to be back to, you know, being a 56-year-old and looking the best I can be. Then they tightened my neck. My neck’s got no more wrinkles! I feel great.” In addition to the lower facelift, it has been speculated that Vicki had filler, Botox, a chin implant, fat injected into her face and a nose thinning procedure. Radar Online shows us the changes in her appearance with this photo.
- Taylor Armstrong – Gossip surrounds the changes in the appearance of Taylor Armstrong. She allegedly had to undergo reconstructive surgery after suffering injuries to her face thanks to her husband. She later told Oprah Winfrey that she got new breasts and new lips and also changed her hair as she tried to “become someone else”. The gossip about her appearance doesn’t stop there as celebrity watchers claimed she had an upper eyelid blepharoplasty and fillers to rejuvenate her appearance. Check out the changes in the appearance of Taylor with this photo from Pinterest.
- Bethenny Frankel – Frankel has claimed in the past that she had surgery to correct a case of chronic TMJ. She also claims that the surgery altered the look of her face and she specifically mentioned her jawline. She told People Magazine that “I had my jaw injected with Botox because I have TMJ, and if you look at pictures of me from probably like seven years ago, it’s gradually gotten smaller to the point that I had to stop, and now it actually hurts again.” She is suspected of having other plastic surgery procedures including maxillofacial surgery where the jaw muscles are broken. Others believe Frankel has had an eye lift as well. US Magazine shows us the ever changing appearance of Frankel with this “before and after” look at her.
- Shannon Beador – This housewife has been thinking about having plastic surgery following a massive weight loss. However, she might have gone under the knife in the past with multiple changes made to her facial appearance. Celebrity gossip fans speculate she had Botox, fillers, a nose job and maybe even a chin implant in the past. Life & Style Magazine has the photo evidence showing the changes in her look.
- NeNe Leaks – This Atlanta cast member admits to having multiple rhinoplasty surgeries with the first one happening in 2010. She also told Bravo TV that her second rhinoplasty surgery was for a “medical reason”. She said that her “cartilage was growing in my nose and my tip was touching the top of my lip. But I didn’t get a full rhinoplasty the first time. No, when I did the first time, I only had my nostrils taken in on the side the very first time, and then this time, I had more cartilage moved around in my nose.” Bravo TV gives us a look at her appearance before and after plastic surgery.