Preventative Botox - Can it Give You an Older Look?

Posted June 30, 2023
Learn how botox can prevent you have wrinkles

The desire to remain youthful in appearance is one shared by people of all ages. Many of these people turn to Botox to lessen the look of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. In addition, there is a growing number of patients who are having preventative Botox to try and keep these wrinkles and fine lines from appearing in the first place. However, there is a concern among some people that preventative Botox can actually make you look older than your actual age.

Is this true? Let’s start our investigation with an examination of this concern from Cosmetic Town TV:

Preventative Botox – Ideal Patients for the Treatment

In general, preventative Botox is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to prevent the formation of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. The average patient is between twenty to thirty years of age. The patient has not yet developed wrinkles, but they want to have Botox injections as a “preventative” measure to avoid their formation in the future.

Preventative Botox – Does it Work?

Even though there are patients who are quite happy with the results of their treatment, there is also a lack of solid scientific evidence that the procedure actually works. It is hard for many doctors to understand why a person in their twenties would want to have Botox when they normally have a forehead that is free of wrinkles and fine lines. These doctors also feel that medical providers should take the time to educate patients about whether or not Botox can work for them at that age.

Preventative Botox – Can it Make You Look Older?

While it seems odd to say, preventative Botox and regular Botox procedures can run the risk of placing too much Botox in your forehead if you have injections performed for several years. Injecting too much Botox can cause the muscles in the treated area to become weak and flat. In addition, the skin can also develop a look that is thinner and looser in appearance. If the muscles in the injected area become weaker, this can have a negative impact on the muscles that help you make expressions with your face.

Botox injections can also cause a squinting of the nose and the formation of wrinkles along the side of the nose (since the use of the forehead muscles is impacted by the Botox). If you gain a formation of wrinkles along the side of the nose, you might end up needing additional Botox in that area.

Botox – How Does it Work?

How Does Botox WorkBotox is a cosmetic treatment that starts with the injection of the toxin into a muscle that is located near a wrinkle. Once the Botox is injected into the targeted muscle, neuromuscular blockers work to limit the amount of muscle contractions in the area where the injection was made. The reduction in the number of muscle contractions allows the muscles to relax so the skin can gain a smoother look thanks to the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.

It is an ideal treatment for areas of the face that have wrinkles that are the result of excessive frowning and squinting. Commonly treated areas of the face include the forehead, the area above the nose, and the corners of the eyes. Once the muscles are relaxed, the skin is not being pulled on an ongoing basis which gives it time to gain a smoother look.

The most important thing to remember about Botox is that the results are not permanent. While you might start to feel some results within a few days of the treatment, it can take a week or two to actually start to see the results. If you are beginning to feel the results before they are visible, this means you will start to feel the eyebrows becoming weaker to the point that they are no longer able to be pulled down into the appearance of a deep frown (due to the skin no longer pulling along with the muscle). The results of Botox usually last anywhere from four to six months so follow-up treatments will be necessary to maintain the results.

Preventative Botox – How to Find the Right Doctor

If you want to learn more about preventative Botox, you need to research medical providers in your area, and this includes reading reviews from actual patients and viewing “before and after” photos of patients they have treated in the past.

You will also need to be prepared to ask questions and address any concerns you have about the treatment during your consultation appointment. Be sure and ask how the procedure will address your individual needs and the extent of the results you will likely see after the Botox is injected into the desired area.

Getting the answers to all of your questions is an important part of the process as it can help you determine if you are comfortable with the doctor and trust them to provide professional services and natural results.

- MA


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