The appearance of a well-defined and contoured neckline, created by performing a neck lift, can actually make a big difference in your appearance. The neck can start to look older as a person continues to age due to excess skin on the neck as well as the appearance of jowls or a double chin. In addition, the neck can start to gain an older look because of genetics or the actual aging process. It is also known that the neck is not an area of the body that responds well to diet and exercise. In addition, many skincare treatments that can be bought over the counter do not make an impact on the appearance of an aging neck. While it might be easy to simply accept the fact that the neck will have an older look, there is an opportunity for you to make changes to the neck that can refresh and revitalize its appearance.
Let’s start our look at the neck lift process with a “Neck Lift 411” from Cosmetic Town TV:
In general, a neck lift can make dramatic changes to the jawline and profile. These changes can give the neck a younger look while also making it look more refreshed and tighter in appearance. A neck lift can provide a more youthful and slimmer contour to the neck by addressing issues such as skin that is loose or sagging (“turkey neck”), a double chin, wrinkles that are excessive in appearance, and drooping skin and excess fat that is visible on the lower section of the face.
A board-certified and experienced medical professional can let you know if you are an ideal candidate for a neck lift. While the criteria for being an ideal candidate for a neck lift varies per patient, some of the most common factors of being a neck lift candidate include:
Being in overall good healthNo medical conditions that can impact the healing processBe a nonsmokerHave realistic expectations when it comes to the final results that can be gained from a neck lift
At the start of the neck lift process, the surgeon will administer anesthesia to keep you comfortable during the procedure. Then, an incision is created that normally runs from the contour that starts at the top of the ear all the way down to the lower hairline on both sides of the head.
The next steps of a neck lift depend on the amount of work that needs to be performed along with the type of results you are trying to achieve. Some of the most popular changes that can be made to the neck include:
Repositioning and tightening the tissues that are located under the skinThe removal and redistribution of excess fat as well as the sculpting of the fat to create an improved contour to the neck The redraping and positioning of the skin over the new contours of the treated area (after the removal of any excess skin)Another small incision can be created if liposuction will be performed to remove stubborn fat and tighten the section of the treated area that has a double chin
Once the procedure is performed, the doctor will give instructions that will need to be followed once you return home. It is important to follow these instructions in order to get the best results possible and to also enjoy a successful recovery process.
The surgeon might place a drain near the section of the body where the incision was created in order to prevent fluid from building up after the neck lift. The prevention of fluid building up in the body can also help to prevent some of the swelling that can occur after the procedure. In addition, it is important to keep the head elevated and to move the neck as little as possible in order to keep the stitches intact once the doctor places them in the body.
You might experience some swelling and bruising for several weeks after the neck lift. Once these conditions resolve on their own, you will start to see some improvement in the contour of the neck and jawline.
The first step in the neck lift process is researching surgeons in your area who have experience in providing results that are natural in appearance. A surgeon will examine the current condition of the neck to determine the changes that can be made to the neck and the amount of work that will need to be performed to give the neck a younger and more contoured look. Once the necessary changes have been made to the neck, you will feel an increased sense of confidence and an improved self-image thanks to the removal of excess fat and redraping the skin into a new position on the neck.
- MA