Facelift - How it Turns Back the Clock

Posted December 01, 2023
Youthful look achieved with facelift surgery

How often have you stood looking at your face in the mirror and noticed the changes that the aging process is causing to your appearance? While you might be a fan of the amount of maturity and knowledge you have gained over the years, you might not enjoy the changes in the youthful look and contour of your face. If this describes you, keep reading this informative article to learn how a facelift or neck lift can turn back the clock when it comes to your appearance.

Our look at these rejuvenating cosmetic procedures starts with the latest insightful video from Cosmetic Town TV:

Facelift – Procedure Examined

Rejuvenated face after facelift surgeryIn general, a facelift is a surgical procedure that is able to give the face a younger and rejuvenated look by tightening the skin that has a sagging look around the jawline or cheeks. The surgeon makes a series of incisions around the ears as well as along the hairline and below the chin in order to gain access to the underlying tissues in the targeted area. Once the incisions are made, the skin on the face is pulled back gently so the surgeon can tighten the muscles and tissue as well as other structures that help to support the face and neck. In addition, any excess fat in the face and neck might be sculpted, repositioned, or removed to give the face a more youthful look. Once the desired changes are made, any excess skin is removed, and the remaining facial skin is re-draped over the new contours.

There are times when a neck lift is performed at the same time as the facelift to reduce the appearance of excess fat and sagging skin in the neck. The surgeon creates incisions around, and behind, the ear as well as under the chin. Then, the doctor will sculpt and/or redistribute the fat located in the jowls and neck. The tissues under the neck skin will also be repositioned and the platysma muscle can also be tightened. Any excess skin is trimmed and the area under the chin can also have fat removed via liposuction or the muscles in the area can be repaired.

Facelift – Additional Benefits Revealed

Besides giving the face a younger and refreshed look, a facelift can provide these additional benefits:

  • Add additional support when the surgeon pulls and tightens muscles that become loose as a person ages
  • Provide a subtle amount of rejuvenation by lifting sagging cheeks and restoring their volume and contour
  • Give the mid and lower regions of the face a look that is smoother and tighter by addressing issues with the muscles, skin, and underlying tissue
  • Hide any incisions or scars by placing them in concealed areas (like the hairline), in the natural creases of the skin, or by professional sewing of the incision

Facelift – Why Some Patients Also Need a Neck Lift

There are some facelift patients who also need a neck lift to achieve their desired results. As a person ages, the thinner skin on the neck can easily be pulled downward by gravity along with being impacted by prolonged exposure to the rays of the sun. They can cause the formation of vertical bands, creases, and a “turkey neck.”  As opposed to aging on the face that can sometimes be managed by fillers and other injectables, the neck usually requires surgical assistance. Fillers and Botox are not able to address hanging skin or the loss of a defined look to the jawline.

It is a good idea to have a neck lift performed at the same time as a facelift to help ensure an overall sense of facial harmony and a more youthful look to the neck. A neck lift is able to enhance the look of the angle that is between the neck and the jawline by removing excess skin, reducing, or eliminating deposits of fat under the chin, and tightening the underlying muscles.

Facelift – Discuss the Procedure with Your Surgeon

If you have worries or concerns about undergoing a facelift, a consultation appointment with a trained, experienced, and board-certified plastic surgeon can put your mind at ease. The doctor will examine the face to determine your current condition and form a treatment plan that addresses your unique needs. The consultation appointment is also when you can make sure that you are comfortable with the doctor and that you feel safe with this medical professional performing the surgery.

The plastic surgeon will also take the time to answer your questions and address any concerns you have about the procedure, the recovery period, or the changes that the surgery will make to your appearance. The doctor will review your medical options including whether you can gain the desired results with only a facelift or if a neck lift will be necessary to achieve the changes that you are requesting to give you a younger and rejuvenated look.

- MA


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