Facelift Results - Steps for Natural Facial Rejuvenation

Posted June 13, 2023
How you can achieve a natural facelift

As a person ages, the face can start to show signs of aging such as sagging, a loss of elasticity, and the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. An older look to the face can have a negative impact on the confidence and self-image of a person to the point that they decide to have a facelift. Even though a facelift can help to restore a youthful look to the face, many patients have a concern about the results looking unnatural after the procedure (such as having an overly pulled or tight look to the face). Anyone who wants to gain results that are natural in appearance should keep reading this article to learn the steps they need to follow for younger and natural facelift results.

Natural Facelift Results – How to Find the Right Plastic Surgeon

The first step in any facial rejuvenation process is to conduct proper research and find a plastic surgeon who is board-certified and experienced in the requested procedure. When it comes to a facelift, a person can visit the website of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) to locate a surgeon and verify their medical credentials. The choice of the right surgeon is a key factor in the quality and appearance of the final results.

Natural Facelift Results by Right Plastic SurgeonIt is also important to understand the difference between a board-certified plastic surgeon and a cosmetic surgeon. While they might perform similar procedures, a board-certified plastic surgeon will need to undergo an extensive amount of training and testing to make sure they gain the necessary skills and background to perform certain procedures. In addition, they will need to follow strict safety standards to maintain their board-certification.

The surgeon of choice will also need to have operating privileges at a nearby hospital. The surgery might be performed at the nearby hospital or in the office of the doctor. Either way, the hospital privileges are necessary in case of a medical emergency or some sort of complication after the surgery. These privileges allow the surgeon to provide the necessary follow-up care to the patient. In addition, the hospital privileges show that the plastic surgeon has undergone the necessary training to perform the requested procedure with a high level of medical skill.

Natural Facelift Results – Sharing Information with the Surgeon

Once a person makes the decision to have a facelift, they need to be open and honest with the surgeon of choice. The patient needs to explain the reasons why they want to have plastic surgery as well as share the type of results they hope to gain from the procedure. They also need to share their medical history with the doctor so the surgeon will know what was performed in the past and if there are any medical issues that need to be addressed in advance. It is very important to be honest and upfront about any past medical procedures performed on the face so the surgeon will not be surprised by any potential issues or complications during the performance of the surgery.

Natural Facelift Results – How to Prepare for the Surgery

Once the final decision has been made to have a facelift, it is time to properly prepare for the surgery. One of the most important preparation steps is to stop smoking before the surgery. Nicotine can constrict veins as well as limit the amount of blood flow which can cause poor wound healing to occur. The patient will need to stop smoking in the weeks or months leading up to the surgery as facelift surgery is a very delicate procedure. The patient needs to be in the best health possible when entering the surgical process.

While the person will be required to stop smoking, the patient should also follow a healthy lifestyle leading up to the surgery. Some of the steps involved in following a healthy lifestyle include staying hydrated, exercising on a regular basis, eating a balanced diet, avoiding alcohol, and getting enough sleep each night.

In addition, the person needs to be at a healthy and stable weight they are happy with before the surgery is performed. If a person is still losing weight, the facelift surgery should be delayed because the condition of the skin will need to be assessed to make sure it will not become loose again thanks to an additional, or excessive, amount of weight loss after the facelift.

It is important to take the pre-op instructions seriously by following the instructions provided by the doctor. Some of these instructions may include avoiding taking blood thinners that can increase the chances of bleeding during surgery as well as taking certain supplements that can help reduce the amount of swelling and bruising during the recovery process.

Finally, be sure and enter the surgical process in a relaxed state of mind. A good amount of stress can impact the ability of the body to properly heal so a calm state of mind can allow the body to enjoy a more efficient and successful healing process.

By following the guidelines and steps listed above, the body of the patient will be prepared for a successful facelift experience with a surgeon who is properly trained and experienced in providing results that are natural, youthful, and rejuvenated in appearance.

- MA


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