Are Chin Fillers Replacing Chin Implants? Which One is Right For You?

Posted December 10, 2021
Chin implants replacing chin fillers

In recent years, chin fillers have gained popularity due to the advanced formulations with injectable dermal fillers and the zero downtime it offers for patients, an attractive alternative to chin implant surgery. And according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), chin implant procedures have dropped slightly since 2020. 

So, have people decided to turn to chin fillers instead of chin implant surgery for good? And which injectable filler is specifically designed for shaping and contouring the chin? 

We break down all the details for chin fillers vs. chin implants, so you can decide if injections to the chin are the best way to achieve an overall balance to your face or place an implant for a more defined structure and look.  

Let’s start with the essential question, what can filler do for the chin? 

What Does Filler Do for the Chin? 

A chin filler treatment is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that can help define and sculpt the chin to achieve a well-balanced shape for the face. Injectable dermal fillers are used to treat chin concerns such as a concave dimple, recessed or weak chin. Typically, chin fillers are combined with jawline contouring treatments to ensure overall proportions on the lower third of the face are harmonious.  

Which Injectable Fillers are For the Chin?

There are a variety of injectable dermal fillers that can help add volume to a chin that lacks structure or contours a chin that could be too pointy. The most widely used and FDA - approved dermal fillers for the chin are Restylane Defyne and Juvéderm Volux.

Restylane Defyne

Restylane Defyne is an injectable filler made of a specialized hyaluronic acid gel that mimics the look of connective tissue that sculpts the chin for a natural look and appearance. When injected into the skin’s tissue, the hyaluronic acid (HA) formula jumpstarts the production of collagen and elastin, two vital proteins your body naturally produces to help the skin maintain its robust structure. The newly formed collagen will help the skin create a tighter and smoother surface.

Juvéderm Volux

Juvéderm Volux is a gel-like dermal filler that is also made of hyaluronic acid to help stimulate the production of collagen while instantly shaping the chin. As soon as the HA formula is injected, it stimulates collagen and elastin production to form subtle plumpness to the skin’s surface.  

Whichever injectable chin filler is used to help bring definition and shape to the chin, it’s considered an outpatient procedure and completely noninvasive. In most cases, a session takes less than an hour to perform and doesn’t require any downtown. Most patients can resume normal daily activities after the procedure. 

How Long Does a Chin Filler Last?

In most cases, patients will notice a difference in the chin shape within two days after the procedure. However, the final results may take up to two weeks after the treatment, allowing the HA formula to develop new collagen to plump the treated areas fully.

Chin fillers are not permanent and may require touch-up treatments every 6-8 months. However, overall results typically last one to two years before dissolving into the body. 

Fillers for the chin are a viable option for someone not ready to commit with a permanent chin augmentation like a chin implant surgery. 

What is a Chin Implant?

Chin implants, or mentoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that uses a pliable prosthesis to augment the chin and lower jaw shape. Chin implants are offered in various materials such as silicone, acrylic, Gore-Tex, and hydroxyapatite. The implants come in a variety of thicknesses, heights, and lengths to achieve the most natural-looking appearance. 

What to Expect with Chin Implant Procedure

Placing chin implants is an outpatient surgical procedure that can be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. 

The plastic surgeon will make an incision for the implant insertion either under the chin or inside the mouth (where the gum and lower lip meet). The surgeon will place the implant into a well-fitted pocket and use sutures to hold it in place or tiny screws. The incisions are then closed with very fine stitches. 

After the procedure, patients may have to wear a compression garment around the chin to help with swelling and support the tissue during healing. Pain medication is provided if needed, and antibiotics are prescribed to prevent infections. 

Patients with the implant inserted inside the mouth will only eat soft foods for the first initial days after the surgery. Normal activities can typically resume a week after the procedure, but strenuous exercise should be avoided for two weeks. And any contact sport is prohibited for at least two to three months after the procedure. 

What Type of Results Can You Expect with a Chin Implant?

In most cases, the swelling will subside about two weeks after the surgery, and the final results could take up to four to six months, allowing the implant to settle and form into the jawbone. However, after the recovery is complete, the implant should not require any maintenance or adjustments and becomes a part of the anatomy of the face- until the patient decides to remove it. 

Final Takeaway - Chin filler vs. Chin Implant

We can understand the appeal of what a non-surgical chin filler can provide for a patient. The zero downtime and minimal recovery from the dermal injection procedure is an ideal solution for someone looking for a subtle change to the lower part of their face. 

But suppose a patient is looking for a more dramatic change and wants a permanent solution to the overall face shape and anatomy. In that case, a chin implant is a procedure to pursue without risk of the shape dissolving into the face. 

We recommend consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon to help guide you on which cosmetic procedure aligns with your desired outcome and the overall look you envision for your face. 

- VM


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