Fat injections and fillers are cosmetic procedures that treat volume loss due to aging. Each replace volume loss by plumping the skin back up and giving patients a more youthful look. When a person ages they begin to lose facial fat and tissue begins to droop or sag. The surface of the skin becomes thinner, and fine lines and age spots from sun damage appear as a result. Fillers are an office based procedure where a doctor numbs the treated area and injects fillers via a needle. Fat injections are similar only requiring injections however it is typically performed in an operating room where the patient is sedated or given general anesthesia. The fat is usually harvested from the abdomen, thighs or hips of the patient and placed in a centrifuge to be separated from the surrounding tissue. The fat is put in small syringeS and injected into the patient to fill the treated area.
Whether a person is an ideal candidate for fat injections or fillers depends on the individual situation. Fillers are best for a person who prefers a faster recovery. Fat injections are best for patients who do not want to deal with repeat treatments from temporary fillers since further treatments are generally not needed. For patients who are going to have surgery for a facelift, fat injections are ideal as a combination due to the fact that they are more cost effective and the downtime is already built in. Fat injections can help reshape the face while lifting procedures help position drooping tissue in one operation.
There is basically zero to very little downtime with fillers as any redness and swelling can be covered with makeup. A patient can immediately resume most activities and work after having fillers.
With fat injections, there is definitely more downtime due to swelling and bruising. A patient should expect one to two weeks of recovery before they can go out in public. The amount of recovery depends on how much fat grafting was done. The less fat transferred, the less amount of downtime.
There are several different filler products on the market and most of them last up to 12 months. Juvederm Voluma can last up to 2 years when injected into the cheeks. The final results depend on the type of filler and where the filler is injected. In general, fillers are not permanent and they will eventually degrade.
Fat injections are considered somewhat permanent since they become a living, breathing tissue. However, nothing lasts forever so as the patient continues to age, the fat will fade away over time.
The biggest limitation with fat injections is downtime. Many people cannot afford to take two weeks off work for the procedure so they opt for fillers. Fillers are generally performed with only topical or local anesthesia. While the discomfort associated with the injections are usually very mild, this can limit some patients who do not have a high pain tolerance.
The risks are very low with fillers and fat injections. However, some of the most common risks include lumps or bumps, infection and hardened deposits of scar tissue. Although it is rare, one of the biggest risks happens when injecting a patient around the eyes or in the forehead region. If a blood vessel is injected, the vessel could get clogged and the patient could experience tissue necrosis. In addition, any injection which penetrates a blood vessel around the eye could present a risk of reverting back to the artery which feeds the eye causing blindness.
Fat injections are a more natural procedure since the fat graft is taken from the patient's own body. This eliminates a risk of REJECTION since the fat is recognized by the body and it grows blood vessels into the grafted fat.
The most common type of filler is generally hyaluronic acid such as Juvederm and Restylane. Although these products provide great results, a more lasting outcome can be seen with fat grafting. A patient should consult with a board-certified doctor who can discuss the pros and cons of fat injections vs. fillers in order to help the person make an educated choice before undergoing a procedure.
Written by Cosmetic Town Editorial Team -SP
Based on an exclusive interview with Dino Elyassnia, MD in San Francisco, CA