
SlimLipo is performed to liquefy fat and tighten the skin in certain areas of the body such as the stomach, thighs, hips, neck and arms. The surgeon creates small incisions in order to insert a laser as well as a fat suctioning device. The laser emits wavelengths that liquefy the fatty tissue and heat the skin in order to tighten it. The fat suctioning device is used to remove any excess fat and to contour the treated area. Once the treatment is completed, the skin contours back into shape and provides a rejuvenated appearance.

Ideal candidates for SlimLipo are at, or near, their ideal weight. They also understand that this procedure is not a weight loss treatment. The surgery is nor ideal for obese patients as well as patients that have a large amount of intra-abdominal fat. Patients need to have realistic expectations about the final results.

The cost of SlimLipo depends on the size of the area treated, the number of treatments performed, the section of the country where the treatment is performed and fees charged by the facility. In general, the cost of SlimLipo is anywhere from $2000-$6000.

There will be some swelling and fluid drainage for 4-5 days after the treatment. Once these conditions subside, the body will look leaner and the skin will be tighter than before the procedure. The lasers stimulate the collagen of production which results in the tightening of the skin over 6-8 weeks. The results will be permanent but the parts of the body located around the treated area can see an increase in fat if the patient does not follow a healthy lifestyle.

Mini Liposuction

Mini Liposuction

submitted on   Tue Apr, 12, 2016 by David Amron, MD     
Mini liposuction is used to treat patients who are already near their ideal weight but want to target one or two areas of the body which are disproportionally retaining fat. The procedure is similar to regular liposuction in regards to the incisions being made and fat taken out. However, it is a...