Skin Rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage and acne scarring. Botox is used for relaxing muscles that cause wrinkles and dermal fillers plump up the skin where volume is lost. Laser treatments, dermabrasion and chemical peels remove the top layers of skin and can be minimally invasive or aggressive depending on the desired results. A facelift can address wrinkles, creases and loose skin by surgically lifting the skin, muscles and the cheek’s fat pad into a better position and removing excess skin. Skin rejuvenation treatments can improve the skin’s quality and provide the patient with a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

Ideal candidates for skin rejuvenation include patients with sun damage, signs of aging and pigmentation issues such as uneven skin tones, freckles or age spots.  Male or female patients who suffer with acne outbreaks, scarring caused by acne eruptions or skin redness and rosacea are also good candidates. In addition, patients who have lost volume in their face and anyone with loose skin at the cheeks and jowls are ideal for skin rejuvenation treatment.

The cost of skin rejuvenation varies according to the type of treatment, how many areas are being treated and the size of the treatment area. Botox injections range from $200 to $800 per unit. Dermal fillers range in price from about $600 to $900 per syringe. Laser treatments range from $1200-$3500 while the average cost of dermabrasion is 1700-$2300. Chemical peels can range from $150 for a light peel to as much as $6000 for a deep peel. The average cost of a facelift is $6000-$12,000.

Patients see immediate results with dermal fillers. Botox take a few days before results are noticeable. The results of Botox and dermal fillers are temporary and repeat injections maintain the results. Laser treatments, dermabrasion and chemical peel results depend on the level of aggressiveness and for the skin to heal and new collagen production to start. It can take six months for final results to be seen. Facelift final results may not be seen until six months after swelling has subsided and the skin has retracted. The results from skin rejuvenation are not permanent as a person ages and gravity pulls on the skin.

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

submitted on   Wed Jun, 15, 2016 by Aric Aghayan, MD     
Halo hybrid fractional laser is a skin laser that delivers ablative and non-ablative wavelengths of laser energy at the same time. Ablative lasers, like CO2 and Erbium, vaporize the outer skin layers to effectively resurface and rejuvenate the skin. Non-ablative technologies like Fraxel laser...