Sientra Breast Implants

Sientra’s anatomically shaped implants are available in classic (taller than wide), oval (wider than tall) and round base (equal height and width) and encompass low, moderate and high projections. The gel is composed of High-Strength Cohesive silicone (HSC+) specifically formulated for these implants placed behind breast tissue or under the chest muscle. After the implant has been placed, the incision is carefully closed. The cohesion of the gel and maintenance of the projection makes Sientra implants exhibit strength and softness in one implant.

In order to undergo breast augmentation, the patient should be in good overall health. The ideal candidate should be a non-smoker or at least willing to quit smoking in the weeks leading up to, and following, the breast augmentation. A candidate should be free of bleeding tendencies and infections, be willing to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption during the healing period and free from cancerous and pre-cancerous tissues. The procedure is not ideal for pregnant or breastfeeding women. The patient must be 22 years of age or older but saline breast implants can be placed in women beginning at the age of 18.

The typical cost for Sientra implants range from $4750 - $8800. The price also varies by any fees charged by the doctor or the facility, the cost of the implants, any necessary medical tests, the surgeon’s level of expertise, the geographic location of the surgery and if other procedures are performed at the same time.

Immediately following the procedure, the breasts will have light gauze dressings and tape over the incisions. Patients will wear a surgical bra throughout the recovery process. Around 3-4 days after surgery, patients will be able to return to their normal routine while avoiding heavy lifting or strenuous exercise. On average, the majority of implants can last 10-20 years without complications. Sientra also offers a warranty to replace the implants for up to 20 years after surgery if capsular contracture occurs.

Capsulectomy for Capsular Contracture

Capsulectomy for Capsular Contracture

submitted on   Wed Jun, 17, 2015 by Robert Troell, MD     
Capsulectomy, for capsular contracture after breast augmentation, can be performed in several ways. Capsular contracture is a common complication after breast augmentation that causes symptoms such as discomfort, pain and hard or distorted breasts. When a foreign object such as an implant is...