
Refirme is a skin tightening and wrinkle reduction procedure that uses Laser Light and Radio Frequency energy to effectively tighten the skin. It features innovative Electro Optical Synergy technology to promote collagen growth and remodel the skin’s dermal layer. It involves the use of a high-tech device to deliver radio frequency (RF) energy into deep layers of the skin to cause a heating action that is delivered uniformly through the skin. This causes the deep tissues and structures in the skin to tighten and results in the production of new and remodeled collagen. As time passes, this gives healthier and smoother skin to a patient.

Ideal candidates are healthy individuals within the age range of 35-60 with droopy skin, wrinkling and frown lines. Any patient with mild to moderate sagging is also a good candidate for this procedure. Individuals with pacemakers are not good candidates since the RF can interfere with a pacemaker device.

The cost of a Refirme treatment depends on fees charged by the hospital or surgical facility, any necessary medical tests, the geographic location of the procedure and if other procedures are performed at the same time. Overall, the cost of a Refirme procedure ranges from $300-$2000.

The procedure produces a tighter, firmer and more youthful look. Patients can resume normal activities after the procedure but there might be some redness, bruising and inflammation of the skin which will dissipate within days. Patients should avoid touching or rubbing the treated area after the procedure. After the procedure, immediate results are visible. The final results last for one or two years. Occasional touch-ups are needed to maintain the level of collagen production.

Refirme Skin Tightening

Refirme Skin Tightening

submitted on   Wed Nov, 11, 2015 by Sunnyline Vendiola, MD     
Refirme skin tightening is a cosmetic treatment that utilizes bipolar radio frequency with an infrared laser to obtain skin rejuvenation. The combination of these technologies tightens the skin and stimulates collagen production. Refirme is a non-invasive, FDA-approved method for addressing the...