Pico Genesis

Pico Genesis is a laser treatment used to decrease pigmentation and increase collagen in the skin. It is non-ablative. Pico Genesis combines two highly effective wavelengths in ultra-short pulses to cause an intense, non-thermal, photo mechanical disruption and remodeling of the upper dermis. The Pico Genesis device delivers laser energy to the skin while treating different sections of the skin one at a time. Pico Genesis uses laser light to selectively shatter unwanted pigmentation and remodel the upper layer of the skin.

Ideal candidates suffer from various skin conditions including brown spots, sun damage, age spots, hyperpigmentation and pigmented lesions. The procedure works on all skin types so virtually anyone can benefit from the treatment. Patients who have used Accutane in the past year or who have cold sores or other open sores on the area to be treated are not good candidates.

The typical cost ranges from $700-$1000.The final cost depends on the size of the treatment area, the surgeon’s level of expertise, the geographic location of the procedure and if other procedures are performed at the same time.

The procedure restores balance and radiance to the skin. There is little or no downtime needed after the procedure but there may be slight flaking, mild redness or swelling for a couple of hours after the procedure. Patients can expect to return to their regular activities immediately after the procedure. Two to three treatments are needed to achieve optimal results and ongoing touch-up treatments are needed to sustain the results over time.

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

Halo Hybrid Fractional Laser

submitted on   Wed Jun, 15, 2016 by Aric Aghayan, MD     
Halo hybrid fractional laser is a skin laser that delivers ablative and non-ablative wavelengths of laser energy at the same time. Ablative lasers, like CO2 and Erbium, vaporize the outer skin layers to effectively resurface and rejuvenate the skin. Non-ablative technologies like Fraxel laser...