
Kybella is a non-surgical injectable technique used to target and destroy the fat beneath the chin. The procedure takes about 15 to 20 minutes as a series of deoxycholic acid injections are injected into marked injection sites. Once injected, the acid works gradually to kill the fat cells beneath the chin area so it can’t store fat anymore. This procedure is non-invasive so no incisions are needed. For full benefits of the procedure, most patients need two to four treatments scheduled four to six weeks apart.

Ideal candidates for Kybella over the age of 18 and have moderate to severe fat beneath the chin. Patients that had facial surgery, have trouble swallowing, are pregnant or nursing or have an infection or medical condition in or near the planned injection site are not good candidates. Patients that are allergic to deoxycholic acid, have a thyroid disorder or swollen lymph glands in the neck or a bleeding or blood clotting disorder such as hemophilia are also not good candidates.

The cost of Kybella depends on the amount used for the injections, if the patient is paying for a single treatment or multiple injections, the geographic location of the procedure and if other procedures are performed at the same time. The cost generally ranges from $1200-$1800.

Kybella reduces or totally removes the fat beneath the chin. The recovery process is minimal in most cases and the downtime varies with each patient. There could be some pain, swelling, bruising and redness after the procedure that subsides in one to two weeks. Patients should start to see the results of the procedure in about four to six weeks. The results are permanent because the fat removed beneath the chin won’t return.



submitted on   Thu Aug, 20, 2015 by Lawrence Iteld, MD     
Submental fullness, more commonly known as “double chin”, is one of the most common cosmetic concerns today. Patients often complain their double chin makes them look older and heavier than they really are. But luckily for them, there is a newly approved solution, which doesn’t require surgery,...