Dental Bonding

Dental bonding mainly treats teeth in the front of the mouth. It is performed on teeth that are broken, chipped, show signs of decay, have contour irregularities or have gaps to fill-in between other teeth. A restoration made in a laboratory is called an indirect filling. Removing a cavity and immediately replacing it with a tooth-colored composite is a direct filling. A conditioning liquid helps bonding material adhere to the tooth. Tooth-colored resin is applied and shaped to the tooth. A curing light bonds the material to the tooth and the dentist trims and reshapes the tooth. The bite alignment is checked and the tooth is polished to match the natural teeth.

Patients that are good candidates for dental bonding include someone with teeth that are broken, cracked or chipped near the front of the mouth. In addition, people who are looking to fill-in any gaps between teeth, or have teeth that are worn down due to age, are also good candidates. Finally, anyone that desires a better contour to their teeth is an ideal candidate for dental bonding.

The cost depends on how many teeth need repaired, the type of filling performed and the amount of damage that needs to be addressed. The fillings are $250 to $500 per tooth. Dental insurance may cover some of the cost of a restoration to repair a cracked, chipped or decayed tooth.

There may be some mild discomfort where the bonding was performed or numbness for several hours after the procedure. Patients can resume all normal activities immediately after dental bonding but they should avoid consuming dark colored foods and beverages during the first 24 hours as the restoration become more stain resistant. Results after dental bonding can be seen immediately and can last 10 years, or more, depending on the patient’s lifestyle and oral hygiene habits. To maintain the dental bonding, patients should brush twice a day and floss daily.

Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding

submitted on   Tue Jan, 26, 2016 by Jordan Davis, MD     
Dental bonding is similar to fillings for cavities. While it can be performed on any tooth, dental bonding mainly refers to the teeth in the front of the mouth. This type of treatment is used to fix a tooth that has been chipped, broken or decayed. Dental bonding can also correct teeth with...