Social media, Hollywood and a convenience-obsessed society have been driving the plastic surgery industry to unprecedented levels of popularity and demand. Over the years, it has become more and more common for celebrities like Kim Kardashian to admit to having some type of cosmetic enhancements like butt augmentation. Whether we like it or not, the allure of simply using money to defy nature and drastically change the looks of a person is just too strong which means plastic surgery is rapidly becoming a part of Western society and culture.
Plastic Surgery Give People Hope
Plastic surgery has proven to be the light at the end of a dark tunnel for a lot of people. In times past, a lot of people lived their whole lives with a feeling of being inadequate or incomplete. Prior to the emergence of plastic surgery, there was no solution or hope for individuals who weren't lucky enough to be born in a way that they can be proud of but, in the world we live in today, plastic surgery has made that a thing of the past. Now, with plastic surgery, you can get an outward appearance that doesn't just reflect what you want to look like but also the best version of yourself. The way a person looks goes a long way in determining how far a person can get in life and this is especially true in show business.
Proponents of plastic surgery take the stance of freedom of choice when it comes to their appearance. Basically, they view cosmetic enhancements as a blessing and a chance for people to elevate themselves in society. Many people aspire to have an extravagant lifestyle that is much like supermodels or celebrities and some would argue that plastic surgery is the key to that lifestyle.
Criticism of Plastic Surgery
On the other side of the spectrum, critics view the plastic surgery craze as debauchery that is invading society. They argue that it will only promote narcissism, self-indulgence and create a false sense of entitlement for younger generations. They feel a person should not be judged by their looks but by the merits of their actions and quality of character. A lot of critics believe that the boom of plastic surgery is a going to be the catalyst to a long and painful destruction of our culture as we know it. The core values of life that should be essential to how successful a person can be or the way an individual is viewed have all been discarded. Now all that matters is how perfect your look is to others in the world.
From an objective standpoint, it is hard to disagree with either side since both have legitimate reasons for being for, or against, plastic surgery. However, anyone who has ever heard of plastic surgery has thought about getting some for themselves at one point or another. Is it our natural curiosity or are humans just inherently lazy and looking for the easy way out?
Risks vs. Rewards of Plastic Surgery
Is plastic surgery really the easy way out? If you look at the risk/reward factors of popular procedures like breast augmentation, buttock implants, and facelifts, the facts are quite alarming. Although the benefits of plastic surgery when successful could be mind-blowing, the side effects can be very dangerous and can change the course of an individual's life forever because plastic surgery correction is a roll of the dice. Once an individual suffers from a botched cosmetic surgery procedure, there is no guarantee a person can ever be the way they were prior to the procedure.
Some of the most common plastic surgery safety risks include permanent loss of sensation, tissue necrosis, blood clots and even death. Not to mention any complications that could be caused by sensitivity to, or misapplication of, general anesthesia. These risks seem far too great just so a person can feel better about their appearance.
Is Self-Confidence the Main Reason for Plastic Surgery?
Self-confidence is perhaps the real reason why people are so drawn to plastic surgery. To some, plastic surgery is like wearing makeup or your favorite outfit. It just makes you more comfortable to be in your own skin. You can be wearing the most ridiculous colors or style of clothing. However, as long as it meets your own criteria of what looks good or what your social circle deems as fashionable, you wouldn't think twice or care about how ridiculous it looks to others.
Unfortunately, the same can happen after plastic surgery. Donatella Versace and Jocelyn Wildenstein have risen to notoriety because of how their plastic surgery results turned out. But public opinion seems to matter little to these two since they still get some enhancements done from time to time.
Much like the saying “ignorance is bliss,” perhaps the real magic of plastic surgery is not about what it can do to your external appearance Plastic surgery might have a deeper meaning that fulfills an important part of your psyche. A sort of self-satisfaction that occurs when you look at yourself in the mirror and see exactly the person you’ve always wanted to be even when people think otherwise. The real magic of plastic surgery is giving you a blissful inner peace and feeling of contentment.