Learn how Beard to Scalp Hair Transplant Works

Posted June 04, 2019
Discover how beard to scalp hair transplant is performed

When the public thinks of a hair transplant, they likely have the traditional idea of a hair transplant in mind. A “traditional” hair transplant is when the hair restoration surgeon takes hair from the donor area on the back of the scalp and transplants it to the balding area on the scalp. However, there are some patients that do not have an adequate amount of hair on the back of the scalp to provide the amount of thickness and density to achieve the desired hairline. Thankfully, hair restoration surgeons are also able to transplant hair from different parts of the body to the scalp to fill-in the balding areas. One area of the body that is growing in popularity as a source of donor hair is the beard. Many hair restoration surgeons are turning to the beard to help patients have enough high-quality hair to transplant to the scalp.

Best Technique for Beard to Scalp Hair Transplant

Hair restoration surgeons have discovered that many robotic and automated techniques for extracting hair grafts are better used on donor hair from the scalp and not on hair from the beard/facial hair. In general, manual hair extraction is the most practical and effective method of harvesting hair extracted from the face/beard. The reason manual FUE is an ideal option for beard to scalp hair transplant is the fact that the facial skin is more mobile than skin on the scalp. In addition, facial hair angles are usually steeper which makes the FUE process more challenging for the surgeon

Ideal Beard to Scalp Hair Transplant Patients

  • Ideal patients for a beard to scalp hair transplant include patients with a mismatch in the amount of available donor hair on the back of the scalp compared to the recipient demand AKA the amount of hair grafts they need to achieve their desired results. This issue is often seen in patients with advanced stages of hair loss that have a limited amount of donor hair or their donor hair is considered to be poor in quality because it is fine in nature/low in density. Hair from the beard is usually much thicker in nature so it provides more bulk, density and volume once it is transplanted. 
  • Beard to scalp hair transplant is also an ideal situation for patients that do not enjoy shaving their face on a regular basis. For men that do not enjoy having to shave on a daily basis, taking the hair grafts from the beard means they will have to spend less time shaving which is a benefit for them along with having a fuller head of hair.
  • Patients that need to preserve donor hair on the scalp are ideal patients for beard to scalp hair transplant. The beard to scalp hair transplant method allows the hair restoration surgeon to preserve the scalp donor hair for critical areas such as the frontal hairline, eyebrows and temporal points.

Beard to Scalp Hair Transplant Results

Because the facial hair stays in the growth phase (anagen) for a longer period of time than the resting phase (telogen) compared to hair from other areas of the body, the hair that is transplanted from the beard is going to have a growing hair follicle for a longer period of time. In turn, the facial hair will stay in place for a longer period of time and will grow a longer hair shaft.

Pros and Cons of Beard to Scalp Hair Transplant

When it comes to beard to scalp hair transplant, there are many pros and cons to the technique:

  • Pro – Helps patients with a scalp supply and demand mismatch get the hairline they desire.
  • Con – Men with sparse beard hair might not have enough beard hair to be used as donor hair.
  • Pro – Doctors can preserve the hair in the traditional scalp donor area for areas such as the eyebrows, front hairline and temporal points.
  • Con – Beard hair is coarse which means it can be an issue in some areas of the scalp where the hair that is already there is finer in nature. Beard hair is best used on the top of the head and the crown and not on the eyebrows or frontal hairline.
  • Pro – Beard hair is much thicker so it creates more volume in the transplanted areas on the scalp.
  • Con- Harvesting the hair from the face can be challenging because it is much more mobile. This makes stabilizing the skin for the extraction process quite difficult.

Consult with a Board-Certified Beard to Scalp Surgeon

Before making the final decision to undergo a hair transplant, patients need to schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified doctor experienced in performing beard to scalp hair transplant. The hair restoration specialist will perform a thorough examination of the patient to determine if beard to scalp hair transplant is the best option for patients looking to have hair restoration. In addition, the doctor will set realistic expectations so the patient will not be disappointed by the final results. Beard to scalp hair transplant is a good option for patients that want to enjoy the natural, long lasting results provided by a hair transplant even if they don’t have enough donor hair on the scalp for a hair transplant.



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