Fungal Infection Reaching the Brain - Possible Cosmetic Surgery Complication

Posted August 17, 2023
Side effect fungal infection of the cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery is able to alter the look of treated parts of the body as well as rejuvenate the appearance of the patient. Popular cosmetic surgery treatments include Botox and fillers along with a facelift, and rhinoplasty. Even though cosmetic procedures continue to grow in popularity, there are some concerns patients should have when it comes to possible risks. One of the most recent risks being reported in the United States and Mexico is the chance of developing a fungal infection after a procedure.

Fungal Infection and Cosmetic Surgery – Details Revealed

Fungal Infection to BrainIn May of this year, the United States and Mexico reported on a fungal meningitis outbreak that affected more than two hundred patients who had received epidural anesthesia during surgical procedures that included breast augmentation, liposuction, and Brazilian butt lifts (BBL). Out of more than two hundred patients, some of them had to be hospitalized while others passed away.

In the past, one of the contributing factors to the formation of these infections was the unwise performance of Botox treatments. At the time, dermatologists had limited medical options which meant they sometimes had to use the same Botox equipment on more than one patient. This practice resulted in skin infections even though there was diligent post-surgery care and an absence of trauma. There are various factors that can lead to the development of an infection, but the performance of healthy and safe cosmetic surgery practices can greatly reduce the chances of an infection developing. In addition, treating the issue in a timely manner can lessen any issues at an early stage of the infection.

Fungal Infection and Cosmetic Surgery – Fillers Can Pose an Additional Risk

The act of raising awareness about common risk factors and how to ensure proper care during cosmetic surgery is an important first step in protecting patients. In addition to causing a fungal infection, fillers can lead to other complications when they are not correctly placed in the subcutaneous layer of the skin, or when a large amount is injected into the body. When these issues happen, the filler can accumulate in the area under the eyes and cause blood vessels to gain a look that is puffy or superficial.

Fungal Meningitis – What is it?

Fungal meningitis, AKA fungus meningitis, is an infection that can impact the central nervous system of the body. The infection typically extends beyond the meninges (the three membranes that line the vertebral canal and the skull as well as enclose the spinal cord and the brain) and it causes a large amount of inflammation in the brain and the meninges. As the condition progresses, it leads to the formation of pits in the brain.

The formation of fungal meningitis is most commonly caused by fungi known as Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida species. These organisms can infect the public under certain circumstances, and it can be found in bird droppings, dirt, and vegetation that is decomposing in the environment.

Fungal Meningitis – What are its Risks

Some of the common risks that are associated with fungal meningitis include:

  • People who have a weak immune system are more susceptible to a fungal infection such as fungal meningitis. Examples of those with a weakened immune system include someone who is undergoing chemotherapy, a person with HIV/AIDS, and someone currently taking immunosuppressive medications.
  • A fungal infection that is located on the skin might be able to spread to the bloodstream and even reach the central nervous system. This can result in the formation of fungal meningitis.
  • There are times when a fungal meningitis outbreak can be the result of an injection that was contaminated.

Common symptoms of a fungal infection include a neck that is stiff, back pain, ongoing headaches, and nausea or vomiting. If any of these symptoms are observed by a patient, it is important to seek out medical attention as quickly as possible. Even though fungal meningitis is somewhat rare compared to other types of meningitis, it can become severe enough that it can prove to be fatal.

Fungal Infection – Associated with Post-Medical Tourism Surgery

There have been studies that have revealed some of the complications discussed above can be associated with the post-surgery period of a medical tourism trip to European and South American countries. For example, a study in 2017 that was published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal showed a growth in post-surgery complications in medical tourism cases for cosmetic surgery (even when the patient knew about possible risks). This study spotlighted the need for a standardized evaluation and treatment protocol in order to ensure the safety of patients.

The fungal infections that occur after a cosmetic surgery procedure can have an impact on the spinal cord and the brain that can be life-threatening if they are not treated quickly and properly. There is also a need to address a fungal infection in order to limit or prevent any type of challenge to the health of the public.

- MA


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