Dark Circles Under the Eyes - How to Get Rid of Them

Posted December 29, 2023
Remove dark circle eyes under the eyes

One of the reasons people often look tired on a daily basis is the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. These dark circles can appear under the eyes due to the aging process, being overly tired, and even suffering from allergies (although these are not the only reasons). If you are experiencing dark circles under the eyes and do not have any idea how to reduce their appearance, do not worry! This article will reveal some of the common reasons for the formation of dark circles under the eyes and also share some of the most popular cosmetic surgery solutions available to patients.

Our download of dark circles under the eyes information begins with an overview of the subject from Cosmetic Town TV:

Dark Circles Under the Eyes – Possible Causes

The formation of dark circles under the eyes can happen for a number of reasons. Some of the most common causes include:

  • The aging process can make the skin start to sag and become thinner as a person gets older. As the skin gets older, a person might experience a reduction in the amount of collagen and fat that helps the skin to remain elastic. If this happens, the dark blood vessels under the skin start to become more visible which causes the area of skin under the eyes to become darker.
  • An allergic reaction can lead to the formation of dark circles under the eyes as the body releases histamines which can cause the eyes to become itchy. In addition, rubbing eyes that are itchy and puffy can lead to broken blood vessels and dark circles.
  • A lack of sleep can do more than make a person overly tired and fatigued. The skin can begin to look dull and pale and also cause the dark tissues and blood vessels under the skin to become more visible. D
  • ehydration means the body is not properly hydrated so the skin under the eyes looks dull, the eyes take on a sunken look, and dark circles begin to appear.
  • The genetics of a person might contribute to the development of dark circles if it is an inherited trait related to the family history of a person.

Dark Circles Under the Eyes – Diagnosis and Treatments

In order to assess the extent of the dark circles under the eyes and develop a treatment plan, a doctor will perform a physical examination of the patient and learn more about their medical history. The doctor will use this information to identify the cause of the dark circles and present a treatment plan to the patient. There are multiple medical treatment options available, and the right treatment choice depends on the specific needs of the individual patient. These cosmetic surgery treatments include:

  • Laser resurfacing to tighten the skin and improve the look of the skin by reducing the appearance of the dark circles.
  • Chemical peels to lighten the amount of dark pigmentation located under the eyes.
  • Fillers to add volume back into the skin which eliminates sagging skin and also conceals blood vessels that cause the skin to have a discolored look under the eyes. 
  • Blepharoplasty can eliminate dark circles that have formed due to extra skin or deposits of fat located under and around the area of the eyes. The area of fat under the eyes is sometimes referred to as “eye bags” and their removal gives the eyes a rejuvenated and younger look as well as a more rested appearance.

Dark Circles Under the Eyes – Information You Need to Know

The consultation appointment is your chance to share any concerns you have about the appearance of dark circles under your eyes. You can also learn more about the treatment plan recommended by the doctor and let the medical professional know if you are interested in moving forward with the treatment. The extent of the dark circles plays a role in how the issue will be addressed. You might be able to reduce the look of the dark circles under your eyes with nonsurgical steps such as staying hydrated, placing eye cream in the impacted area, getting a greater amount of sleep, and reducing the amount of screen time you experience each day.

Since dark circles under the eyes are not always a medical issue, there might not be a reason to visit a doctor or excessively worry about their formation and appearance. On the other hand, if you notice a dark circle under just one eye, you will want to contact your doctor as this might be a sign of an underlying health condition that might need to be addressed with a medical treatment plan.

The important thing to remember is that dark circles under the eyes do not have to be a permanent addition to your appearance so contact an experienced medical professional to take the first steps towards eliminating the dark circles that are making you look tired and/or older.

- MA


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