Body Contouring Secrets - How to Beat the Bulge

Posted August 03, 2022
How to beat the bulge

When it came to trying to get rid of excess body fat in the past, a good number of people turned to exercise as a way to reduce the amount of fat on their body and to also gain a better body contour. Beginning in the 1980s, liposuction became a surgical method of eliminating fat cells on the body. In the present day, liposuction is still popular but there are also nonsurgical options to improve the contour of the body. It can be confusing trying to determine the best method to gain the desired results, but this is also good news because it means there is likely a solution available to all patients who want to get rid of fat, bumps, and lumps on the body. In this article, patients can learn how to beat the bulge and achieve the body contour they dream about having on a daily basis.

Body Contouring – Can It be Performed Without Others Knowing It Happened?

One of the reasons patients turn to liposuction is because it can quickly get rid of stubborn and hard to remove fat. However, they should know the recovery process can include bruising and swelling that takes up to three months to subside as well as six months for the skin to tighten enough that the results are visible to others. While the final results might provide the desired appearance to the body, there will be those signs that a medical procedure has been performed on the body.

On the other hand, noninvasive body contouring options that melt fat, freeze fat, or reduce it using radiofrequency energy, have a shorter recovery time and often do not provide any signs that a treatment was performed on a patient. These noninvasive procedures are ideal treatments for patients who are already close to their ideal body weight, but they are not able to get rid of stubborn fat from areas such as the lower stomach or under the arms.

Popular Noninvasive Body Contouring Procedures

Noninvasive Body ContouringCoolSculpting is a popular fat-freezing treatment that reduces the amount of fat in the targeted area of the body. The technology used in CoolSculpting has advanced over the years which means patients can enjoy better results in the desired area of the body. During CoolSculpting, the targeted area of the body is chilled for anywhere from 30-45 minutes so a process is triggered that destroys fat cells to the point that they can be naturally expelled by the body. There might be some minor swelling and bruising that can be visible for a little while, but these conditions will resolve on their own. It might take several sessions to achieve the desired results, and this is true if there are multiple areas of the body being treated by the doctor.

Vanquish uses radiofrequency energy to heat the fat cells to a temperature of around 120-degrees Fahrenheit. While this might seem to be quite hot, the treatment will not feel any more intense than a hot-stone massage. Because fat is able to respond to variations in temperature, medical professionals are able to selectively reduce the targeted fat without causing any type of damage to either the skin or the underlying muscle in the body of the patient. The treatment can take about a half hour to perform, and it can take up to six treatments to see the results desired by the patient.

EON is one of the newest body contouring treatments available to the public. It is a robotic device that first scans the area that will be treated in order to determine the necessary parameters of the treatment. During a procedure that lasts anywhere from 40-60 minutes, the device delivers a focused 104mm laser for a treatment that melts fat without causing any negative impact to the skin or any discomfort to the patient. The results have been impressive so far as clinical trials have shown more than 70% of people who had the treatment enjoyed a fat reduction amount of 21% after a single session. In addition, there was not a single person who had the procedure that did not report some amount of fat loss. EON is currently approved by the FDA to treat the flanks and abdomen and there have been no side effects reported to date. While patients might see some results after one treatment, the company that manufactures the product does recommend undergoing two treatments for better results.

Patients who are interested in gaining an improved contour to the body are advised to schedule a consultation appointment with a board-certified medical professional who is experienced in performing cosmetic procedures that reduce the amount of fat that is present on the body. The doctor can examine the body of the patient to learn more about their body contouring goals, the current amount of fat that is present on the body, the amount of fat reduction that can safely be performed, and the best treatment option to achieve the desired appearance to the body.

- MA


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