August is Hair Restoration Month on Cosmetic Town

Posted August 03, 2019
Cosmetic Town spotlights hair restoration methods in August

The hair says a lot about a person and is generally regarded as one of the most important aspects of the human body. Many people consider their hair to be an important part of their appearance. Plus, the hairstyle worn by a person is one of the first things that others notice when meeting someone. A full head of hair on the scalp often gives the impression that a person is youthful and successful. For women, a full head of hair is a sign of femininity and is often a major part of their self-image and identity. A thick head of healthy hair gives a person confidence and also compliments their features. However, not everyone is blessed to enjoy a healthy head of hair. People that suffer from hair loss are often searching for ways to cover their hair loss so others won’t be able to view their scalp. In the past, this meant wearing a hat or trying to cover the bald spot by combing the hair over to cover the bald area. These days, more people than ever are turning to a hair transplant to restore the hair on their scalp and enjoy a life with the amount of hair density they desire.

In order to give patients that want to learn more about a hair transplant the information they need to know, Cosmetic Town is turning the spotlight on hair restoration in the month of August.

Hair Restoration Methods

When it comes to hair restoration, there are multiple techniques patients can have to achieve the desired final results:

  • Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a hair restoration method where the hair transplant surgeon individually harvests the hair grafts of the patient from the scalp donor area. The surgeon is able to remove the hair grafts without leaving a linear scalp scar. FUE is performed using a punch instrument that makes tiny circular incisions around the follicular unit in order to isolate the hair graft that will be removed. The follicular units are removed from the donor area and then counted so they can be arranged in groups according to the number of hairs in each graft. The hair grafts are then placed in premade incisions in the balding area. FUE grafts can also be harvested using Robotic FUE (ARTAS) which uses computer assistance to harvest the hair follicles. The hair transplant surgeon places a tensioner over the donor area to stabilize the skin. The ARTAS system evaluates the patient donor area to determine the hair characteristics of the grafts along with the direction of the emerging hair. The doctor then programs the system to separate the follicle groups as well as dissect the grafts. The hair grafts are then transplanted by the surgical staff of the doctor.
  • Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) starts when the hair transplant surgeon trims a narrow strip of hair from the patient. The surgeon will then cut a strip of scalp from the back of the head, where the hair has been trimmed, in order to remove the skin with the hair follicles. The skin is stitched back together by the surgeon. The follicular units are dissected in their natural grouping. The surgeon also makes tiny incisions in the scalp so the hair grafts can be implanted in the direction in which the hair follicles grow. The hair on the scalp gains density and fullness thanks to the transplanted hair.
  • Body to Scalp Hair Transplant is performed on patients that lack a sufficient amount of hair on the back of the head to perform a hair transplant. The hair transplant surgeon can move hair from other parts of the body to the scalp in order to provide the desired fullness and density.
  • Eyebrow Transplant is ideal for patients that are lacking the desired hair density in their eyebrows. They can have hair transplanted from other parts of the body into the eyebrows. An eyebrow transplant can also be performed to fill-in patchy areas where hair is missing.
  • Hairline Lowering is also known as forehead reduction. Hair lowering is ideal for patients, particularly females, with a hairline that is considered to be high in appearance. The surgeon makes a small incision along the natural hairline. The hair-bearing tissue is then moved forward so it can be sutured into a new position that is lower on the patient. Once the incision is closed, hair follicles are moved from the back or sides of the scalp so they can be transplanted into the hairline that has been newly lowered.

Hair Restoration Month Features on Cosmetic Town

Cosmetic Town will expand on the hair restoration topics listed above during our August spotlight on this popular cosmetic surgery procedure. We will share lists of the best hair transplant surgeons in some of the biggest cities across the country. In addition, we will post exclusive videos with top hair transplant surgeons explaining how hair restoration is performed along with discussing the life changing, natural results that can be achieved by undergoing a hair transplant.

It’s a month filled with exclusive hair restoration content that can only be found on Cosmetic Town!



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