Kninkles: How to Get Rid Of Knee Wrinkles

Posted September 04, 2015

While aging is a natural part of life, many people fight the signs of aging on their bodies by getting plastic surgery.  From facelifts to breast augmentation to butt implants, plastic surgery procedures are available for almost every part of the human body.  One of the latest areas to receive attention from the plastic surgery world is the knees as concern about kninkles continues to grow.

The word “kninkles” is a combination of knees and wrinkles.  It is defined as the visible wrinkles and loose and sagging skin that appear on the knees as people get older.  Many A-list celebrities are being called out for having visible kninkles during public appearances. Some of the female celebrities who have been spotted recently with kninkles on the red carpet include Demi Moore, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham.  

Causes of Kninkles

Kninkles happen for a variety of reasons.  The usual suspects of genetics, diet and exercise play a big part in the development of loose, saggy skin. Major weight loss, aging and prolonged exposure to the sun can also play a big part in the appearance of kninkles on knees that were once smooth and tight.

Surgical Options for Kninkles

As recently as the past few years, targeting and lessening the appearance of kninkles on the body was only achieved thanks to exercises that targeted the muscles above the knees called the quadriceps. The results from these exercises produced some results that were not completely effective in lessening their appearance. Thankfully, there are now a variety of surgical options to combat kninkles that are available to both highly paid actresses and people with normal jobs.

Good candidates for kninkle surgery are individuals in a good state of health who haven't had previous knee procedures. Patients suffering from arthritis or any other health disorder that can affect the result of the procedure are not good candidates. Although treating kninkles via surgery gives long-lasting results, patients should have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. A few of the surgical options available for treating kninkles are:

  • Cosmetic treatment of kninkles is handled by combining the removal of fat with the use of lasers on the knees to bring about a smoother look. Small incisions in the creases above the knee joint are made so liposuction can be performed to get rid of any fat deposits that have built-up in that area. The laser is utilized to stimulate the production of collagen and provide a tighter look for the knees.  After the skin is tightened, the laser is used once more to smooth out the skin around the knees.
  • Dermal fillers are injected into the areas with kninkles using ultra-fine needless. The filler is injected to fill out, as well as add volume to, the affected areas. The dermal fillers replace the lost hyaluronic acid in the skin. This procedure doesn't necessarily require the use of an anesthetic but, in some cases, a local anesthetic is used to numb the surface of the areas to be treated.
  • Fine Thread Contouring is when polymers made of polydioxanone are used to pull the sagging skin upwards to tighten the skin and make it firmer.

Treat Kninkles without Surgery

There are some non-surgical options available for fighting kninkles:

  • Leg extension exercises are good for tightening up the knee area. Lie on a mat with your thighs and calves at a 90-degree angle while putting the knees up. Straighten out the left leg while making sure the toes are pointing towards the ceiling. Keep the right leg in the same starting position by not moving it at the same time as the left leg. Once the left leg is returned to its original position, repeat the exercise but switch over to the right leg.  Repeat the process for both legs 10-15 times.
  • Eat a healthy diet on a daily basis. The importance of a healthy diet to the general welfare of the body, and not just for the treatment of kninkles, cannot be overemphasized. Some of the foods that help produce collagen and healthy cells include vegetables, whole grains and fresh fruits.  A healthy and balanced diet is an essential step to giving your body what it needs to maintain a youthful appearance.
  • Exfoliating the knees on a daily basis stimulates collagen production.  This is a simple procedure that can be accomplished by using a body brush. Moisturizing the skin keeps it hydrated and healthy which is important if a person spends much time out in the sun during the week.  Too much exposure to the sun can cause the skin to age so using sunscreen is a big help in protecting the skin from too much sunlight.

Surgery for Kninkles is growing in Popularity

Kninkles might not be the first cosmetic procedure that comes to mind when the general public thinks of plastic surgery but it is growing in popularity in the cosmetic surgery community.  While it is not a condition that is a threat to the overall health of a person, it can impact the self-image of someone who wants to look their best in a short dress.  A person suffering from saggy knees can either take action to eliminate their kninkles or they can invest in long pants and tights as their fall fashion choices.


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