Expert Doctor

Facial Implants for Facial Enhancement

Munish Batra, MD

San Diego, CA

Types of Facial Implants

Facial implants are biomaterials used to enhance portions of the face that are disproportionate or deficient in some way. Some of the facial implants may include highlighting the cheek bones, the jaw line, or increasing the overall projection of a patient's nose. There are different types of implant materials which can be used to enhance facial features. In the past, the most common implant material was silicone. However, many doctors now prefer the polyethylene or PTFE type because these implants can be secured to the bone through the use of small screws. This helps keep the implant more secure while silicone implants tend to shift and cause a capsule around them. The polyethylene implants are called MEDPOR. It should be noted that the MEDPOR implants still have a chance of forming a capsule. However, the natural tissue grows into the implant and the implant eventually becomes part of the face.



Most facial implants that are performed are for cosmetic purposes. Therefore, any person with unbalanced facial aspects could be a candidate for this type of procedure. A patient might have flat cheekbones which make them look constantly tired or sad. A patient may have a weak looking chin and placing an implant there can help build a more balanced looking face. In addition, a patient who has a cleft deformity or other facial deficiency can benefit from facial implants. For example, a patient with a cleft nose deformity can use a facial implant under the base of the cleft-sided nose in order to push the nose forward.



The main advantage of having a facial implant over other options such as Botox, facial fillers, or a fat transfer is its permanency. Facial implants are permanent but they can be removed if desired. Although fat transfer is somewhat permanent, the fat begins to dissolve as a person ages. Ultimately, the fat is lost and this leaves the patient back where they started. Facial fillers and Botox can give good results but they are only temporary fixes.



The limitations involved in getting facial implants are mainly related to the risk of the surgery. Someone who would not be a good candidate is a person who is taking blood thinners or other medications which could cause complications during the surgery.



It is important for patients to understand that there are some short and long term risks involved with having facial implants. With cheek implants, a patient could experience permanent numbness if the infraorbital nerve becomes damaged. An implant placed in the jaw line will eventually cause the normal bone to lose volume. With any surgery, a patient can develop an infection, bleeding, and even some movement if the procedure uses silicone. For many patients, the implants can be placed inside the mouth and any scarring will be invisible to the eye. However, if a facial implant is not placed inside the mouth, there could be some visible scarring.  



The procedure itself is not very painful, however there is quite a bit of swelling. The swelling can be extensive and may limit a patient's normal day to day activities. However, the patient is usually up and walking the day after the procedure. Due to the extreme swelling, a person's recovery time can be two to three weeks of hiding from the public. In regards to downtime from work, if a patient has a chin implant procedure, they can usually return to work within 2 to 3 days as long as they do not mind the swelling.



With facial implants, there is no follow-up or maintenance required after the initial healing has occurred. Facial implants are not like breast implants where a person might have to worry about leakage. Facial implants are solid implants. In fact, the only reason a person may have an implant removed is due to aging. This happens because the normal fatty tissue dissolves with aging and then the implant may become conspicuous. Since facial implants are screwed into the bone, there is no movement of the implant over time and the patient usually does not need to be seen after their post-op visit at the 6 month mark.



The choice of which facial implant material to use will be decided upon after a consultation appointment between the patient and a board-certified physician. The doctor needs to conduct a thorough examination of the patient in order to determine which method is the best option to achieve the desired results. Find a doctor near you and schedule a consultation.


Written by Cosmetic Town Editorial Team - SP

Based on an exclusive interview with Munish Batras, MD in San Diego, CA