With the introduction of Allergan’s SERI Surigical Scaffold™, 510(k) cleared by the FDA, earlier this year, a novel use for this technologically advanced product designed for soft tissue support has been identified for periareolar mastopexy surgery. SERI Surgical Scaffold™ is made from a purified silk-derived bioprotein and woven into a porous design. It is free of human or animal tissues and has excellent biocompatibility and bioresorption properties. The Scaffold allows ingrowth of connective tissue leaving behind tissue that has 2-3 times the strength of fascia.
By raising surrounding mastopexy skin flaps and incorporating a donut of SERI around the areola, the tension is evenly taken off of the surrounding skin flaps and the resultant matrix provides excellent support to prevent recurrent areolar dilatation.
Recurrence of areolar dilatation following circumareolar mastopexy is among the most vexing problems in revisionary breast surgery. Historically, the gold standard for performing these procedures involves the use of non-absorbable monofilament sutures as a cercalage suture akin to the cinch on a trash bag. Unfortunately, recurrent areolar dilatation over time using this technique is the norm rather than the exception. It is conceptually improbable to expect that the skin will not relax around permanent sutures over time.
Support from Allergan has been provided to study SERI Surgical Scaffold™ in Institutional Review Board approved clinical trials for bottoming out and stretch deformities of the breast including implant malposition. A recent and ongoing clinical trial has been initiated to study the effect of SERI Surgical Scaffold™ for support in prevention of areolar dilatation in periareolar mastopexy.
Individuals interested in participating in the clinical trial investigating the use of SERI Surgical Scaffold™ are encouraged to contact our office. Ideal subjects for this study include those patients that have undergone previous periareolar mastopexy with resulting areolar dilatation as well as those patients interested in primary augmentation mastopexy using the circumareolar technique. SERI Surgical Scaffold™ will be provided free of charge and anesthesia and facility costs are subsidized. Participants will receive a stipend for each follow up visit.