Cosmetic Town invites you to share your thoughts, questions, opinions, or experiences on all matters concerning cosmetic medicine and affiliated fields with our growing community.
We have optimized the site in order to encourage our users to be honest and forthcoming as we believe this form of expression will most benefit the community as a whole. We expect and encourage informed debate; however, we ask that you observe these rules when interacting with other Cosmetic Town Members:
STAY ON TOPIC: Your forum posts should be relevant to the topic. If the posts or topics do not contribute to the learning and discussion of cosmetic procedures, they will be subject to removal. Any attempt at spamming the board with off topic posts will result in immediate removal of that content. Continual neglect can result in a membership ban.
BE KIND: We have a zero tolerance for any form of harassment. We value our members and want to offer them a safe environment where they can discuss their experience with cosmetic medicine or seek advice. You can disagree with other members’ point of view, or voice concern when and where you feel like it. However, please try to stay objective. Personal, sexual, or racial attacks of any form will result in the removal of the offending message or membership ban. Disparaging comments about a persons’ race or sex will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
THIRD PARTY LINKS: While it is acceptable to include a link to relevant third party websites, any posts containing affiliate links, malicious links, or links that track users will be subject to immediate removal, and will result in membership ban for the offender. Comment spammers, or those posting only to promote a website belonging to them or their client, will be subject to immediate ban.
PRIVACY: At Cosmetic Town, users are guaranteed their anonymity. If you publish or threaten to publish the personal information of any member of our community without their consent, we will take appropriate action.
LANGUAGE: Keep cursing out of these forums. Cosmetic Town cultivates a friendly atmosphere. While disagreement is expected and when appropriate encouraged, the users must exchange their thoughts and ideas in a respectful way. Inflammatory or hateful dialogue will be removed.
AGREEMENT: By posting on these forums, you show implicit agreement that you have read and understood these rules and acknowledge that you alone are fully responsible for each comment you make, including inaccuracies or potentially libelous statements.
IDENTIFICATION: Every member of our community should register using a valid name, number, and email address. This information will be strictly confidential unless the user chooses to make their real name their user or screen name. This is totally up to you and you are given the choice when you initially register.
DISCLAIMER: We reserve the right to delete comments for any reason at any time and to do so without explanation.
© COPYRIGHT 2025 by COSMETICTOWN.COM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this forum comment policy may be transcribed without permission. The administrative of the forum may choose to use some of all of the content of this forum in any way and place.