The best cosmetic acupuncture doctors in Los Angeles improve the look of the skin on the face and also stimulate production of collagen to give the skin a more youthful look.
Benefits of Cosmetic Acupuncture
Benefits of cosmetic acupuncture include reduced inflammation in the treated area, the production of collagen, a reduction in acne, and a healthier look to the skin.
Am I a Suitable Candidate for a Cosmetic Acupuncture?
A suitable candidate for cosmetic acupuncture includes someone who wants to undergo a natural treatment to reduce any signs of aging. In addition, a person who wants to enjoy a younger look to the face and have a more relaxed appearance is an ideal cosmetic acupuncture candidate.
Cosmetic Acupuncture Procedures
Cosmetic acupuncture procedures begin with the performance of normal full body acupuncture in order to prevent any type of energy congestion on the face. Then, the doctor will insert anywhere from forty to seventy tiny needles in the face, so they puncture the skin and create positive microtraumas (wounds). Once the body acknowledges these wounds, it starts to stimulate the lymphatic and circulatory system to repair the body by delivering oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells. In addition, this stimulates the production of collagen.
What to Expect Before, During and After Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Before cosmetic acupuncture, the patient can expect to receive a thorough explanation of how it is performed and what to expect during the treatment. During cosmetic acupuncture, the patient will have tiny needles placed in the face to stimulate the production of collagen and provide a younger and healthier look to the face. After cosmetic acupuncture, the patient can expect to experience some slight bruising and bleeding where the needles were placed.
Average Cosmetic Acupuncture Cost in Los Angeles
The average cosmetic acupuncture cost in Los Angeles is $800-$1500 depending on the level of expertise of the doctor and any additional fees charged by the doctor or the facility.
Why Choose Cosmetic Town to Find the Best Cosmetic Acupuncture Doctors in Los Angeles?
Patients can use Cosmetic Town to find the best cosmetic acupuncture doctors in Los Angeles by browsing the website to find the names of these doctors.