Vaser Lipo

Vaser liposuction emulsifies the fat of a patient to make the removal of it easier via liposuction. Vaser lipo uses ultrasonic energy to break up the fat targeted for removal in areas such as the chin, arms, thighs, abdomen, knees and neck. The surgeon fills the area scheduled to be treated with a saline solution that numbs the area and shrinks the blood vessels. The doctor then uses a small probe that emits sound energy at a high frequency to break up the fat on contact while providing minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. Once the fat is broken apart, it is extracted using liposuction.

Ideal candidates for Vaser liposuction include people looking for a minimally invasive method to get rid of stubborn fat as well as someone looking for more defined muscles and a better contour to the body. Individuals that have areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise are good candidates. Someone who has a scar from a previous surgery can have Vaser lipo to obtain an even scar revision.

The cost of Vaser lipo depends on the amount of areas to be treated as well as the number of areas targeted for treatment. The price also depends on fees charged by the doctor or the facility and the area of the country where it is performed. In general, the cost is about $1000-$2500 per area.

Patients might experience some internal scarring which can cause some waviness. The recovery time lasts for three or four days. Patients will need to wear something that holds the skin tight to push out any remaining blood or fluids. This also decreases any internal scarring. Around 70% of the results will be seen within a month and almost all of the final results will be seen after three months.

Vaser Lipo

Vaser Lipo

submitted on   Mon Jul, 13, 2015 by Daniel Mills, MD     
Vaser lipo is an ultrasonic assisted liposuction that is used to remove pockets of fat on the abdomen, flanks, back, ankles, knees, neck and other hard to reach areas. This ultrasonic assisted liposuction uses sound waves to loosen fat cells prior to removing them with liposuction. Vaser lipo is...