
Smilelign is an aligner system that makes use of 3D CADCAM technology to produce invisible orthodontic aligners. The procedure begins with taking dental impressions of the patient's teeth.The records are sent to Smilelign along with specific instructions of how the teeth need to move. The process of making the aligners takes 10-15 working days. A pre-aligner or passive brace is made first so the aligners are confirmed to be a perfect fit. Next, custom made aligners are sent over to the patient. The aligners are changed every 2-4 weeks until the results are achieved.

Ideal candidates are healthy individuals suffering from mild to moderate spacing and crowding issues, overcrowded smiles and crooked teeth. Patients that want to straighten the teeth and improve the overall appearance, health and function of the mouth are also suitable candidates. The procedure isn't suitable for patients suffering from major overcrowding or complicated tooth movement.

The typical cost ranges from $1500-$4000. Factors that can influence the final cost include the extent of the alignment required, the number of aligners needed throughout the treatment and the geographic location of the procedure.

There is no recovery time required. Once the aligners are in place, there is minimal irritation and discomfort. Patients are advised to maintain proper oral hygiene. The aligners can be removed to eat, drink, brush or floss but they must be worn at least 20 hours each day. The full results are evident in 6-12 months. The aligners will be replaced with retainers to help the teeth maintain their new alignment.

Dental Bridges

Dental Bridges

submitted on   Tue Jan, 26, 2016 by Kevin Brown, DDS     
A dental bridge uses a fixed prosthetic device to address missing teeth. The device is called a dental bridge because it bridges a gap between one or more missing teeth. The process uses the adjacent teeth to support the bridge/artificial teeth located in-between the natural teeth. The...