Silicone Injection Removal

Silicone injections are difficult to remove due to deformities, nodules, dimpling, and tissue inflammation. Methods for their removal include liposuction or removal of the impacted tissues (surgical excision). Liposuction involves an ultrasound being used to pinpoint the areas that need removal. Short incisions are made through which small suction tubes are inserted. Once the tubes are in place, the silicone is removed. Fat transfer replenishes the volume lost from the removal of the foreign material. Surgical excision cuts out the silicone left in the targeted areas.

Ideal candidates are unsatisfied with, or suffering the side effects of, a previous silicone injection procedure. Patients that are pregnant or breastfeeding are not suitable candidates for the procedure.

The typical cost for silicone injection removal ranges from $5000-$10,000. The final cost depends on anesthesia fees, any necessary medical tests and the geographic location of the procedure.

The recovery period after the procedure ranges from 1-2 months. There could be swelling, discomfort and soreness shortly after the procedure. Patients should refrain from rubbing or massaging the treated areas. Patients should also avoid submerging the incisions in water. It is nearly impossible to remove all of the silicone but not all of it needs to be removed for the side effects to resolve. The results are permanent unless new silicone is injected.

Mini Liposuction

Mini Liposuction

submitted on   Tue Apr, 12, 2016 by David Amron, MD     
Mini liposuction is used to treat patients who are already near their ideal weight but want to target one or two areas of the body which are disproportionally retaining fat. The procedure is similar to regular liposuction in regards to the incisions being made and fat taken out. However, it is a...