
Perlane is injectable cosmetic dermal filler made from non-animal, stabilized hyaluronic acid. The procedure begins with marking strategic points as the appropriate injection sites. The filler is injected carefully using ultra-fine needles and then the injection sites are massaged and the results are evaluated to know if additional filler is needed. Once the results are satisfactory, any markings will be cleansed off.

Ideal candidates are healthy individuals who have moderate to severe folds or wrinkles, nasolabial folds, sunken cheeks due to loss of cheek volume, thin or unevenly shaped lips, a receding chin or minor nose deformities such as a nasal hump.

The cost for a Perlane treatment ranges from $400-$900.The final cost depends on fees charged by the doctor or facility, the geographic location of the procedure and if other procedures are performed at the same time.

There is little to no downtime needed after the procedure. In most cases, the patient can resume most activities right away. Swelling, bruising, tenderness, itching and redness can occur shortly after the procedure but will dissipate within one week. The results of the procedure are evident immediately and generally last a period of 6-9 months.



submitted on   Thu Jul, 09, 2015 by Alexander Ovchinsky, MD     
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