Lower Facelift

A lower facelift tightens loose jowl and jawline skin as well as a drooping neck and eases deep wrinkles. The procedure is performed through a small incision in front of the ear that extends down and behind the ear. It can also be performed via an endoscopic facelift technique. Working through the small incision, the surgeon separates the skin from the tissue below. Excess fat and skin is removed and facial muscles are tightened and restored to a youthful position. The surgeon closes the incisions with sutures. A lower facelift addresses include the jowls, loose neck skin, loose jawline skin, deep wrinkles and corners of the mouth. Generally, a lower facelift surgery focuses on the bottom third of the face.

A good candidate is someone showing signs of aging primarily in the bottom third of the face or a person with loose, saggy skin around the neck and jawlines or the corners of the mouth. Those who are unhappy with their excess neck skin are also good candidates as they can combine the lower facelift procedure with a neck lift. Active smokers will have to reduce their smoking, or quit smoking altogether, for at least two weeks before and after the surgical procedure because smokers have a higher risk of not healing properly after a surgery.

The cost of a lower facelift ranges from $7500 to $20,000. The cost of a lower facelift can vary depending on several factors including anesthesia fees, facility and doctor fees, medical tests, prescriptions for medications and other expenses. The cost can also depend on the geographic location of the surgery.

The recovery time after a lower facelift varies with each patient. However, the average recovery time is 14 days. For the first 6-7 days, strenuous activities like bending and lifting heavy items should be avoided. On day 7, patients are still bruised and swollen but they can start some light exercises and applying makeup. Strenuous activities should only resume after 4-6 weeks. A lower facelift will last between 8 and 10 years depending on such factors as the lifestyle and overall health of the patient, skin care routine and genetics.

Lower Facelifts

Lower Facelifts

submitted on   Wed Mar, 23, 2016 by Karen Horton, MD     
A lower facelift rejuvenates the face and essentially starts with the cheekbones and ends at the bottom of the neck. It does not address the upper face so it does not improve the eyes or the forehead. Sometimes a lower facelift involves a combination of liposuction and some soft tissue...