Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal uses a scientific principle called selective photothermolysis or SPTL. A concentrated beam of light is used to burn the follicle that creates hair. The beam of light is moved over the skin to target areas of high pigmentation and heat them to the point that the hair follicle is destroyed and unable to grow new hair. Laser hair removal is a popular choice for hair removal because it is fast, efficient and can be done on large areas of the skin.

Ideal patients are people with unwanted hair and individuals with many different skin types and hair textures. The best results are generally achieved on individuals with fair skin and dark coarse hair. However, advances in laser technology have made it possible to have dramatic results on individuals with darker complexions. As of yet, laser hair removal cannot be done on white or silvery hair.

On average each session of laser costs approximately $200-$400. The price varies depending on the area being treated, how long each laser session takes, how many sessions will be needed and the training of the person administering the laser treatment.

For a day or two after a session, the area that was treated will appear as though it was sunburned. There will be a shedding and thinning of the hair for about two weeks after the treatment. Hair growth happens in stages and lasers only target the hairs in the active stage of growth which makes multiple sessions of laser necessary to achieve complete removal of hair. If the hair grows back, it is generally lighter and finer that it was before. Some touchups may be necessary several months after the initial sessions.

Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

submitted on   Fri Aug, 14, 2015 by Juan Brou, MD     
Want to remove all those unwanted hairs without shaving, waxing or tweezing? Laser hair removal might be the perfect solution to your problem. Read on and learn why this hair removal procedure is so popular and definitely a choice worth...