Hair Removal

Hair removal is the deliberate removal of hair on any portion of the body like the bikini area, armpits, legs, abdomen, back, chest and face. Some people shave, wax or pluck the hairs while others have laser hair removal or electrolysis. Laser hair removal uses beams of laser light energy to target melanin or pigment in the hair follicles. The laser is moved on the skin surface to allow the laser to pass through and target the hair follicles. The laser heat destroys the follicle and deters future hair growth. Electrolysis uses an epilator device inserted into the skin. Shortwave radio frequencies cause existing hair to fall out and inhibit any new hair growth.

Ideal candidates for hair removal include someone with unwanted hairs on almost any portion of the body and males who suffer from beard rash after shaving. Female patients with facial hair and men with thick back and/or chest hair are good candidates. Patients with light-colored skin and dark hair are ideal since the laser targets the pigment and can “see” the darker hair follicles better.

The cost of hair removal depends on several factors including the size of the treatment area, the geographic location of the treatment and the skill level of the doctor. The cost can also vary per the number of sessions required to achieve the desired results. Laser hair removal costs around $350-$900 per session. Electrolysis costs about $50-$80 per hour. While electrolysis may seem relatively cheap, patients usually need treatments on a weekly basis for several months or years to completely remove the hair.

After hair removal, the patient may experience some redness and swelling but this will resolve within a few days. Shedding will occur during this time and may continue during the first few weeks. Patients can usually notice results after 4 to 6 treatments. While both hair removal techniques effectively remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal can quickly and effectively slow hair growth but it is not guaranteed to permanently remove hair. However, electrolysis can permanently remove hair after numerous sessions.

Cynosure Elite MPX

Cynosure Elite MPX

submitted on   Tue Sep, 08, 2015 by Snehal Amin, MD     
Cynosure Elite MPX is a multi-modality laser that can treat skin imperfections such as extra hair, superficial varicose veins and brown spots on the skin simultaneously. This laser system is made by a company called Cynosure and it has three different products in...