Green Peel

Green Peel contains natural plant ingredients that improve the skin texture in approximately 5 days. It begins with the application and massaging of the herbal mixture to lightly polish the upper layers of skin while other active ingredients in the preparation penetrate the skin. After three or four days, the upper layers of the skin will peel off. On the fifth day, a follow-up treatment is done to massage away any old skin and to place a rich active preparation on the new skin which is now very absorbent.

Ideal candidates want to improve their skin texture as well as treat fine lines, areas of dryness, uneven pigmentation and acne. The treatment is suitable for both men and women who suffer from impure, oily skin with enlarged pores or a dull skin in need of regeneration due to poor circulation or sun damage. Patients with active eczema, psoriasis, rosacea or cystic acne are not good candidates for the procedure.

The typical cost for a green peel procedure ranges from $200-$800.The final cost depends on any surgical facility fees, the doctor’s level of expertise, the geographic location of the procedure and if other procedures are performed at the same time.

The procedure rejuvenates the skin to give a radiant, fresh, clean and youthful look. There will be visible peeling for about a week and the skin may appear red and flushed for about a week after the procedure. Patients should avoid excessive exposure of the treated areas to the sun and UV rays. The length of the results varies per patient but they typically last for around 30 days.



submitted on   Thu Jul, 09, 2015 by Alexander Ovchinsky, MD     
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