Deep Plane Facelift

A deep plane facelift goes deeper than a traditional facelift and targets the midface below the muscular and soft tissue layer. Incisions are hidden in the hairline and around the ears. The cheeks, jowls and neck tissues are lifted and secured in place with sutures. The excess skin is removed at the incision sites and the incisions are closed with sutures. The patient’s face is then wrapped with a full-face soft cotton dressing that provides pressure to minimize bruising and swelling. This is very effective in treating the midface but this technique can involve more risks and especially to the facial nerves.

Ideal candidates should be in good general health and unsatisfied with the aging on their faces. Candidates need to have some elasticity in their skin as well as a well-defined bone structure. There is no age limit providing the patient is in good general health and does not have any medical conditions that impair the healing process. Patients should have realistic expectations of the surgical outcome and a positive attitude.

The typical cost for a deep plane facelift ranges from $12000 - $15000 but this price does not include fees for anesthesia, prescriptions or preparatory tests. The final cost varies depending on the hospital or surgical facilities, any necessary medical tests, the surgeon’s level of expertise the geographic location of the procedure and if any other procedures are performed at the same time.

This procedure gives a younger look, as well as a rejuvenated appearance, to the face. Recovery after a deep plane facelift is relatively short because most of the surgical work is done on deeper tissue layers of the face rather than near the surface. Patients feel comfortable returning to work or being seen in public one to two weeks after surgery. The dressing is taken off a day after the surgery and is replaced with a soft wrap to protect the sutures. The skin sutures are then removed over the next ten days. The results last for ten to fifteen years.

Deep Plane Facelifts

Deep Plane Facelifts

submitted on   Fri Dec, 18, 2015 by Jacob Steiger, MD     
Deep plane facelift is actually an advanced type of rhytidectomy. First of all, a facelift is a procedure designed to improve the appearance of the jowls and the neck.  There are several ways that facelifts may be...