Medical Tourism - Questions to Ask in Advance

Posted November 22, 2023
Asking questions for medical tourism safety

The desire to have plastic surgery leads patients to research doctors and compare the prices charged for the procedure in different locations. These various locations can actually be located around the world which means medical tourism continues to grow in popularity. According to the Medical Tourism Association, an estimated 14-million people around the globe journey to countries other than their own for a medical procedure. Why is medical tourism so popular and what are the questions patients need to ask a doctor in advance of their medical treatment? Cosmetic Town News has the information patients need to know about medical tourism and they are revealed in this article.

Medical Tourism – Medical Experts Share Some Risks

Medical tourism risksMany medical experts warn patients not to base their decision of which doctor to visit based on the price of the procedure. A cheaper price can sometimes turn into spending more money in the future if the person needs to have any type of corrective surgery once they return home. Since the patient will have to return home after the procedure, they might not be able to easily visit the doctor who performed their treatment if they are not located in the same country as the patient.

There is also the concern about the actual medical facilities as health and safety standards in all countries are not the same as those required in medical facilities located in the United States. Plus, some surgeons around the world do not perform the actual surgery. The patient might only meet with the doctor during the consultation appointment and then the surgery is performed by someone else in the medical office.

It can also be harder to research the qualifications of the surgeon and determine their level of experience if they are based in another country. The patient might not be able to get all of the necessary information regarding the background and training of the doctor.

One other risk related to the patient not having all of the necessary information in advance is the person thinking they are going to have a relaxing vacation when they travel abroad. There are many special offers and deals offered in the medical tourism market that show sunny beaches and patients relaxing by the pool as they recover from surgery. This might be true for some people but patients who have an invasive plastic surgery like liposuction or a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) will likely need the assistance of friends or family during their initial recovery period which means they will not be physically able to go outside in the sun and lounge by the pool. The ads that show a fun time by the pool or on the beach do not always match the reality of the recovery process. It is also not a good sign if the medical office tries to instantly pressure the patient into signing on the dotted line for the surgery instead of giving the person an adequate amount of time to come to a decision.

Medical Tourism – Questions to Ask Before Having a Procedure

Even with all of the risks listed in the above section, there will always be some people who decide to ignore the possible risks and have a medical tourism plastic surgery procedure. For anyone considering a medical tourism trip, here are some questions to ask in advance of booking the trip:

The patient should specifically ask the doctor how frequently the medical professional performs the procedure of choice. The surgeon should be performing the treatment on a regular basis and also have many years of experience and training related to the medical treatment. It is also a good idea to ask to see “before and after” photos of patients the doctor has treated in the past in order to get a better idea about the type of results that can be expected from the surgeon.Another important question a person should ask is if the surgeon that the patient meets during the consultation appointment is the actual medical professional that will be performing the procedure. If not, the patient should ask to meet the person who will be performing the surgery and ask them about their background and level of experience.The patient can ask if the medical facility where the surgery is located is the equivalent of being board-certified according to United States standards. It is important to check if the doctor and the medical facility are members of any local or international medical associations in order to better understand the level of health and safety they provide for their patients.A patient should ask if the necessary safety procedures are in place if there are any unexpected complications during the surgery or during the initial recovery process. Are they properly prepared to aid the patient and address the complications at any point of the day or night while the person is still in the country recovering? Also, are they properly insured for issues such as surgical complications and does the insurance cover the medical facility internationally? Once the person returns to their home country, is it going to be an easy process to get back in touch with the doctor and make arrangements to correct the complications?

By asking these questions in advance, a person interested in medical tourism will have the necessary knowledge and information to make a final decision about having plastic surgery in another country.



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