See How a Glycolic Acid Peel can Rejuvenate Your Skin

Posted September 19, 2019
Discover how a glycolic acid peel can rejuvenate your skin

As a person ages, the skin begins to look older and show signs of aging such as brown spots, wrinkles and fine lines. In order to refresh and rejuvenate the appearance of the skin, many patients decide to undergo a glycolic acid peel to get rid of dead skin cells and reveal newer, more youthful looking skin that is located underneath the surface of the skin. A glycolic acid peel is one of the most popular methods of getting rid of dead skin cells and other signs of aging. Due to its popularity, Cosmetic Town TV recently took a look at glycolic acid peels to show how they work to give a person a more rejuvenated appearance:

Glycolic Acid Explained

Glycolic acid is classified as an AHA, which is also known as alpha-hydroxy acid (the name comes from its chemical makeup). In addition, glycolic acid is made from sugarcane and this is different from acids like lactic acid which are made from sour milk.

Glycolic acid has a small molecular structure and this gives it the ability to travel deep into the layers of the skin. Once the glycolic acid reaches the targeted layers of the skin, the acid dissolves dead skin cells as well as any excess sebum. This allows the glycolic acid peel to reveal skin that is smoother and more youthful in appearance.  Glycolic acid has an advantage over lactic acid because lactic acid has a larger structure and cannot penetrate as deeply into the layers of skin on the patient.

Glycolic Acid Peel Benefits

Patients that have a glycolic acid peel that refreshes and rejuvenates the appearance of the skin on their face receive multiple benefits:

  • Glycolic acid peels stimulate the natural production of collagen to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
  • The clearing of skin that has blackheads and other types of acne
  • Skin lightening in areas of the skin that suffers from age spots and sun damage
  • The revitalization of skin so it looks brighter and refreshed
  • Since glycolic acid is the smallest of all of the acids used for skin care, it is able to deeply penetrate the skin to exfoliate and improve its appearance

Glycolic Acid Peels Performance

When patients decide to have a glycolic acid peel, they can have it applied to the skin in the office of a doctor. In addition, a glycolic acid peel can be applied to the skin at the home of a patient.

A glycolic acid peel that is performed in the office of a dermatologist uses a 30\\%-40\\% concentration of glycolic acid on the skin for two or three minutes. This type of treatment is often called a "lunchtime peel" because it can easily be done during the lunch hour of a patient. In addition, there is little downtime involved so the patient can go right back to work after the treatment. There might be some tingling but patients will not experience any discomfort.

While at-home peels are less expensive, and gentler, since the concentration of glycolic acid is lower, patients should be aware that the results might not last as long because of the lower concentration of glycolic acid.

Glycolic Acid Peels Side Effects

There are a few side effects that patients should be aware of before undergoing a glycolic acid peel treatment:

  • The chemical exfoliant used, in conjunction with Vitamin C or retinol, can increase the dryness or sensitivity of the treated area of the skin
  • Patients need to stay out of the sun, or use sunscreen when they go outside, since glycolic acid can increase the sensitivity of the skin to the UV rays of the sun
  • Patients may experience some dryness, redness and peeling of the skin after the treatment

Glycolic Acid Peels Results

Immediately after the glycolic acid peel is performed, the skin of the patient will look red and feel tighter. After two or three days, the skin will begin to shed and slough. It takes about five to seven days for the final results to be seen. The final results can last anywhere from a few weeks to a month depending on the length of the treatment and the potency of the acid.

Visit a Board-Certified Doctor to have a Glycolic Acid Peels

Patients that want to undergo a glycolic acid peel treatment, or any type of chemical peel, should seek out a board-certified dermatologist to have an in-office glycolic acid peel treatment performed. While some people want to perform the glycolic acid peel treatment on their own at home, it is safer to have the glycolic acid peel placed on the skin by a board-certified medical professional. The doctor can monitor the patient during the treatment to make sure there is not too much glycolic acid placed on the skin. In addition, the dermatologist can give the patient proper after-care instructions to maintain the results and protect the skin during the first few days after the treatment. Finally, patients can contact the doctor that performed the peel in their office with any post-care questions as opposed to a person that simply performed the treatment in the comfort of their own home.



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