Facial Contouring Surgery - What to Know in Advance

Posted August 02, 2023
What you need to know before facial contouring

There are multiple items to keep in mind if you are thinking about having facial contouring surgery. For example, facial contouring surgery is also known as facial reshaping or facial sculpting surgery. No matter which name you choose, facial contouring surgery is a set of cosmetic procedures, such as fillers, Kybella, and Botox that are performed to either enhance or change the shape and structure of your face. In addition, the surgeon will have the goal of improving the overall harmony and symmetry of the facial features. Take a look below to discover the items you should know before you make the final decision to have a facial contouring surgery.

Facial Contouring Surgery – What to Know Before a Procedure

What to Know Before Facial Contouring SurgeryThe first step in the facial contouring process is performing research on the desired procedure in order to learn more about its benefits, risks, and different techniques. As part of your research, you should consult with a board-certified and experienced surgeon who specializes in the particular treatment so you can discuss your goals and share any concerns you have about the surgery. The doctor will also perform a comprehensive medical examination to make sure you are an ideal patient who is healthy enough for the procedure. This is the time that you should share information about any medications you are currently taking along with chatting about any medical conditions that are currently an issue or that you experienced in the past.

When you are meeting with the doctor during the consultation appointment, you can discuss the type of results you want to achieve. Once the doctor knows this information, the surgeon can set realistic expectations about the extent of the results you can gain from the surgery.

You also need to ask about any possible risks related to the facial contouring surgery. Some of the most common risks include bleeding, swelling, scarring, bruising, asymmetrical results, and an infection. There might also be some risks that are specific to the procedure you have in mind so ask the surgeon if there are any you need to know about before having the procedure. If the risks and complications discussed by the doctor worry you, be sure and ask if there are any alternative treatments that have less risks while still providing similar results.

One of the main questions you will want the surgeon to answer is the cost you will need to pay to have the treatment. The total cost includes more than the price of the specific procedure. You will also need to pay anesthesia fees (if you have anesthesia), facility fees, surgeon fees, and any possible post-op care expenses. Do not let the price of facial contouring surgery scare you off from making the desired change to your appearance. However, you need to approach the cost in a realistic manner and make sure the price is within your budget. If you think the surgical procedure might be considered to be medically necessary, contact your insurance provider for more information on whether your insurance will cover any of the cost.

As mentioned earlier, there might be an alternative treatment that you can have if you are not an ideal patient for your desired treatment. A non-surgical facial contouring alternative such as Botox or radiofrequency treatment might be able to deliver your desired results.

Finally, it is important for you to be emotionally ready for the changes that can be made with facial contouring surgery. The final results can be long-lasting which means the alterations to your look will have a long-term impact on your appearance. You should have a support system of friends, family, and medical professionals in place along with the knowledge that you are emotionally prepared for the changes that will be achieved by the surgery.

Facial Contouring Surgery – Popular Treatment Options

While the treatments discussed below are not a comprehensive list, they do represent some of the most popular facial contouring procedures currently requested by patients:

Fillers are a gel-like substance that are injected under the skin to restore volume in the treated area that has been lost due to the aging process. While fillers can reduce the look of wrinkles and lines, they also provide an improved contour to the face. They give an improved and more youthful look to the cheeks and chin as well as reduce lines located around the nose and the mouth. Fillers are not a permanent treatment as they will be absorbed by the body over time. You will need to have follow-up treatments to maintain the results.

Radiofrequency treatments, such as Thermage, achieve results thanks to the electrical energy of the treatment creating heat that triggers the tightening of skin and the melting of fat. The heat-related damage to the skin, which occurs in a controlled fashion, also creates new collagen that makes the skin tighter and plumper. The radiofrequency energy can be administered by topical paddles applied to the skin or mirconeedling that works under the skin. Either way, the results are not permanent which means the skin will start to become loose again with time. Additional treatments will be needed to keep the results.

Botox can be injected to give your jawline a look that is narrower in appearance. It can be injected into the chin muscle to achieve a reduction in any wrinkling while also elongating its appearance when it is viewed from the front. Much like fillers, Botox results are not permanent, so follow-up treatments are necessary to maintain the results.

CoolSculpting can give the neck and lower face a more defined look and also reduce the look of a double chin. The procedure works by selectively freezing and destroying fat cells which gives the treated area a reduction in fat. The final results are permanent as the destroyed fat will not return.

Kybella is injected under the chin to improve the contour of the area. Kybella contains deoxycholic acid that is able to melt fat cells. Even though liposuction might provide results that are more dramatic in appearance, the results of Kybella are permanent and a good option if you do not want to have an invasive procedure. Keep in mind that you might need multiple Kybella treatments to gain the desired results.

Fat transfer is when fat is removed from the body of the patient and injected into the targeted area (much like fillers). Fat grafting is an ideal choice to add volume to the cheeks, give the jaw an improved amount of definition, and fill-in any hollows under the tear trough. Even though the results are permanent, it is an invasive treatment since the fat that is taken from the body is removed via liposuction.

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