Closed Rhinoplasty - What is it?

Posted July 25, 2023
Learn about closed rhinoplasty

The size, shape and look of the nose can be an issue for some people who feel their nose is too large, pointy, or bulbous in appearance. Anyone who feels this way might be tempted to have rhinoplasty, but they could also be worried about the appearance of scars that would make it obvious they had a nose job. There is a way to have rhinoplasty without the formation of noticeable scars after the surgery. In this article, we will examine closed rhinoplasty and show why it is a popular option for patients who want to make a change to the look of their nose.

Closed Rhinoplasty – Procedure Explained

Closed Rhinoplasty Procedure ExplainedIn general, closed rhinoplasty is performed by placing the incisions inside the nostrils of the patient so there is not any visible scarring that can be seen by others on the outside of the nose. Unlike open rhinoplasty, a closed rhinoplasty surgery is normally performed in order to reshape the tip of the nose, eliminate a bump on the nose, or give the nose a shorter look. Another reason patients enjoy having closed rhinoplasty is because it does not require a long recovery period and it does not result in a good amount of swelling.

The surgeon will not fully open the nose which means the nasal structure is not completely open and exposed. Instead, the surgeon makes the necessary changes through narrow openings that are created in each nostril. This technique provides the surgeon with a limited amount of visibility, so it is essential to find a surgeon who is skilled and experienced in performing this rhinoplasty method.

On the day of the procedure, the surgeon will create incisions inside the nostrils so the doctor can separate the skin from the cartilage of the nose. Then, the surgeon starts the process of reshaping the nose by shaving a bone or adding additional cartilage or bone to the nose. Once the desired amount of reshaping is completed, the doctor will close the incisions with stitches or sutures.

Closed Rhinoplasty – Recovery and Results Information

The patient will need to wear a nose splint or cast at the end of the treatment. The cast or nose split will need to remain in place for five to seven days so the nose will have the necessary support and protection during the healing process.

It will be necessary for the patient to take a few days off work to rest at home. The recovery process at home also includes the need to sleep with the head elevated in order to limit the amount of swelling that occurs after the surgery.

The patient will have to avoid any strenuous exercise or physical activities until the doctor gives them permission to resume these activities. A person who has closed rhinoplasty also needs to avoid blowing their nose, sleeping with their face downwards on the pillow, and pulling clothes over their head. It is better to wear a shirt that needs to be buttoned as pulling clothes over the head can have a negative impact on the nose splint or cast.

There will still be some swelling and bruising once the nose splint or cast is removed but these conditions will resolve on their own. The final results should be permanent and last a lifetime as long as the patient does not suffer any kind of damage to the nose or break the nose. As mentioned earlier, additional changes and revisions can be made to the nose if the patient is not happy with the final results.

Closed Rhinoplasty – Possible Side Effects and Risks

Since closed rhinoplasty is an invasive surgical procedure, there are some possible risks involved with having the surgery. These side effects and risks include numbness to the nose, asymmetrical results, difficulty breathing, bruising, nosebleeds, and not being happy with the final results which can result in the decision to have rhinoplasty revision.

Closed Rhinoplasty – Is it Better Than Open Rhinoplasty?

Both of these common and popular rhinoplasty techniques make changes to the nose that alter the shape, size, or appearance of the nose. The choice between the two surgical methods often depends on how the patient feels about the placement of the incisions and possible scarring from the procedure.

During open rhinoplasty, all of the necessary incisions are made on the outside of the nose which means any incisions and scars have the possibility of being viewed by the public. Open rhinoplasty also results in a greater amount of swelling along with a longer recovery time. It is an ideal nose job option for patients who need help with breathing issues or have noses that are quite crooked or asymmetrical in appearance.

The patient should discuss both options with their surgeon during the consultation appointment. The doctor can share the pros and cons of both techniques while also setting realistic expectations about the final results so the patient will not be disappointed or surprised with the final look of their nose.

- MA


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